牛顿将其分析学中的发现用变位的形式进行了加密,破译后的甸子是“Itis worthwhile to solve differential equations”(解偏微分方程很重要)。因此,人们在表达轨道法背后的主要思想时可以说“It is worthwhile tostudy coadjoint orbits”(研究余伴随轨道很重要)。
Chapter 1 Geometry of Coadjoint Orbits
1 Basic definitions
1.1 Coadjoint representation
1.2 Canonical form σΩ
2 Symplectic structure on coadjoint orbits
2.1 The first(original)approach
2.2 The second(Poisson)approach
2.3 The third(symplectic reduction)approach
2.4 Integrality condition
3 Coatijoint invariant functions
3.1 General properties of invariants
3.2 Examples
4 The moment map
4.1 The universal property of eoadjoint orbits
4.2 Some particular cases
5 Polarizations
5.1 Elements of symplectic geometry
5.2 Invariant polarizations on homogeneous symplectic manifolds
Chapter 2 Representations and Orbits of the Heisenberg Group
Chapter 3 The Orbit Method for Nilpotent Lie Groups
Chapter 4 Solvable Lie Groups
Chapter 5 Compact Lie Groups
Chapter 6 Miscellaneous
Appendix Ⅰ Abstract Nonsense
Appendix Ⅱ Smooth Manifolds
Appendix Ⅲ Lie Groups and Homogeneous Manifolds
Appendix Ⅳ Elements of Functional Analysis
Appendix Ⅴ Representation Theory