内容推荐 《汉英分类词典》收词22000余条,涉及日常生活、社会活动、公共事务、经济活动、社会及自然科学五大门类。内容以日常生活为线索,以大量新词为特色,由浅入深、从日常到专业,充分反映了语汇飞速变化的时代特征。词汇按所属范畴排列,既便于查找,也为读者提供了一个较全面的知识系统。汉语词条全部加注汉语拼音,方便外国读者查阅和与国人的直接交流。 目录 一、日常生活 Daily life 1.住房租赁 Housing and leasing 2.家居 Household 3.餐饮 Food 4.购物 Shopping 5.休闲活动 Leisure 6.旅游 Travel 7.美容美发 Beauty and hairdressing 8.邮政 通讯 Post and communications 9.储蓄 理财 Savings and investment 10.交通出行 Transportation 11.医药卫生 Medicine and health 12.常识 Common knowledge 二、社会活动 Social activities 1.个人与社会关系 Individual and society 2.身份职业 Professions 3.社交 Social contact 4.文化艺术 Culture and arts 5.体育运动 Sports 6.纪念日 节假日 Anniversaries and holidays 7.民俗 Folklore 8.生肖星座 Zodiac 三、公共事务 Public affairs 1.政党 政府 Political parties and government 2.外交与国际事务 Diplomacy and international affairs 3.国防军事 Military and national defence 4.教育 Education 5.司法法律 Jurisdiction and laws 6.公共安全 Public security 7.媒体新闻出版 Media, news and press 8.环境保护 Environmental protection 9.社会保障 Social security 10.宗教 Religion 四、经济活动 Economic activities 1.经济 Economy 2.农业(林牧渔) Agriculture (forestry, animal husbandary and fishing) 3.工业 Industry 4.金融 证券 Finance and stock 5.财政税收 Public finance and tax revenue 6.对外贸易 Foreign trade 7.常用英文外贸缩略语 Commonly-used English abbreviations in foreign trade 8.公司企业 Companies 9.市场营销 Marketing 10.物流运输 Logistics and transportation 五、社会科学自然科学 Social science and natural science 1.一般词汇 Common terms 2.社会科学 Social science 3.自然科学 Natural science 4.能源 Energy 附录 Appendix 世界主要国家(地区)首都(首府)及货币 Capital cities and monetary systems of major countries and regions |