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书名 阳光稚梦(2020台达杯国际太阳能建筑设计竞赛获奖作品集)
分类 科学技术-建筑-建筑理论与文化
出版社 中国建筑工业出版社
2020台达杯国际太阳能建筑设计竞赛过程回顾 General Background of International Solar Building Design Competition 2020
2020台达杯国际太阳能建筑设计竞赛评审专家介绍 Introduction to Jury Members of International Solar Building Design Competition 2020
获奖作品 Prize Awarded Works
综合奖·一等奖 General Prize Awarded·First Prize
积木·乐园(南平) Kindergarten Built by Tetris (Nanping)
沐日(新疆) Step into the Sunshine (Xinjiang)
综合奖·二等奖 General Prize Awarded·Second Prize
追光者(南平) Sun Chaser (Nanping)
林间风过(南平) Rambling in the Wind (Nanping)
稚梦·星盒(新疆) Dreamy Star Box (Xinjiang)
江格尔与日出(新疆) Janger and the Sunrise (Xinjiang)
综合奖·三等奖 General Prize Awarded·Third Prize
风·跳跃空间(南平) Wind·Jumping Space (Nanping)
漫步园景(南平) Walking in the Garden (Nanping)
林海风语(南平) Feel the Wind (Nanping)
层峦·沐光行(南平) Layers of Mountains·Bathe in Light (Nanping)
竹巷·风生(南平) Bamboo Alley·Wind Form (Nanping)
太阳升起的地方(新疆) Follow the Sun (Xinjiang)
综合奖·优秀奖 General Prize Awarded·Honorable Mention Prize
光之谷(南平) The Valley of Light (Nanping)
律动·魔方(南平) Rotating Cubes (Nanping)
阳光之下·田园之上(南平) Sunshine Pouring·Children Geting (Nanping)
晨·星(南平) Sun & Star (Nanping)
童之梦·光之巢(南平) The Dream of Children·the Nest of Light (Nanping)
光·遇(南平) Meet the Light in the Corner (Nanping)
山行·竹荫里(南平) Mountain Trip·In the Shade of Bamboo (Nanping)
光合积木(南平) Building Blocks of Sunlight (Nanping)
童年·里巷·巢下(南平) Childhood·Cold Lane·Under the Nest (Nanping)
稚梦·风光(南平) Childlike Dream ·Wind and Light (Nanping)
树下幼儿园(南平) Under the Tree (Nanping)
向阳·梦园(南平) Sunny·Dream Garden (Nanping)
“小世界”环游记(南平) Dream Quest Travel (Nanping)
趣园(南平) Interesting Garden (Nanping)
院·积木之家(南平) Courtyard·House of Building Blocks (Nanping)
巷院·阡陌(南平) Lane·Compound (Nanping)
稚巷·拾光(南平) Children Alley & Chasing Childlight (Nanping)
楼台·织梦(南平) Platforms of Dream (Nanping)
巷·间(南平) Cold Lane·Interspace (Nanping)
瑶域·疆来(新疆) Yao Yu·Xin Jiang Future (Xinjiang)
晨兴日起巴伦台(新疆) Bring the Sunrise to BLUNTAI (Xinjiang)
风·院(新疆) Wind·Yard (Xinjiang)
向阳而生(新疆) Grow in the Sun (Xinjiang)
童旭·土生(新疆) "Raising" Children | Vernacular Homeland (Xinjiang)
朝晖·光场(新疆) Haven (Xinjiang)
光之幼儿园(新疆) Collecting Sunshine (Xinjiang)
阳光托马斯(新疆) Sunny Thomas (Xinjiang)
呆呆日光(新疆) High in the Sun (Xinjiang)
煦阳·和风(新疆) Warm Sunshine·Gentle Wind (Xinjiang)
腔间光语(新疆) The Melody of Sunlight in the Chamber (Xinjiang)
专项奖·技术奖 Special Prize Awarded·Technology Prize
记忆中的糖块(南平) Candy in Memory (Nanping)
稚梦飞扬(南平) Childlike Dreams Flying (Nanping)
有效作品参赛团队名单 Name List of All Participants Submitting Valid Works
2020台达杯国际太阳能建筑设计竞赛办法 Competition Brief on International Solar Building Design Competition 2020




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