内容推荐 随着现代机械向高速、重载、轻量化方向发展,疲劳失效事故层出不穷。因此,分析机械产品的疲劳失效模式,了解其失效机理,进而开展疲劳强度/寿命设计,对于提高机械产品的结构完整性具有重要的工程意义。 本书重点介绍了安全、可靠和经济产品的工程疲劳设计理论,包括疲劳设计方法、疲劳失效机理、应力疲劳、应变疲劳、疲劳裂纹扩展、缺口疲劳、变幅疲劳和环境疲劳。应注意的是,这些设计方法已成功应用于实际工程结构的疲劳设计和寿命预测/评估。 本书可作为高等工程院校机械工程或能源动力工程专业的研究生和高年级本科生的教材。它也可为汽车、航空航天、铁路、船舶等工程领域的研究人员和实践工程师提供重要参考。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Mechanical Failure Modes 1.1.1 Excessive deformation 1.1.2 Ductile fracture 1.1.3 Brittle fracture 1.1.4 Thermal shock 1.1.5 Creep 1.1.6 Relaxation 1.1.7 Wear 1.1.8 Buckling 1.1.9 Corrosion 1.1.10 Stress corrosion cracking 1.1.11 Fatigue failure 1.2 Importance of fatigue 1.3 History overview of fatigue 1.4 Summary Problems References Chapter 2 Fatigue design method 2.1 Fatigue design method 2.1.1 Equipment design 2.1.2 Model design 2.1.3 Product design 2.1.4 Design to standard 2.2 Life prediction model 2.2.1 Stress-life model 2.2.2 Strain life model 2.2.3 Fatigue crack growth model 2.2.4 Two stage model 2.3 Fatigue design criteria 2.3.1 Infinite life design 2.3.2 Safety life design 2.3.3 Failure safety design 2.3.4 Damage tolerance design 2.4 Testing and analysis 2.4.1 Analysis and testing 2.4.2 CAE and digital prototype 2.4.3 Service inspection 2.5 Statistics and reliability 2.5.1 Definition of statistics and reliability 2.5.2 Reliability design concept 2.5.3 Main contents of reliability design 2.5.4 Methods and steps of reliability design 2.5.5 Statistical basis of reliability design 2.6 Summary Problems References Chapter 3 Fatigue failure mechanisms 3.1 Macroscopic characteristics of fatigue failure 3.1.1 Macroscopic morphology of fatigue fracture surface 3.1.2 Fatigue fracture characteristics of different load types 3.2 Microscopic characteristics of fatigue failure 3.2.1 Basic concept of dislocation 3.2.2 Dislocation movement 3.2.3 Dislocation slip and macro strain 3.2.4 Dislocations in typical crystal structures 3.2.5 Microstructure of fatigue fracture 3.2.6 Microscopic mechanism of fatigue crack initiation 3.2.7 Microscopic mechanism of fatigue crack growth 3.3 Fracture analysis technology 3.3.1 Optical microscope analysis of fracture surface 3.3.2 Electron microscopic analysis of fracture surface 3.4 Summary Problems References Chapter 4 Stress fatigue 4.1 Fatigue load, specimen, and testing machine 4.1.1 Fatigue load 4.1.2 Specimen 4.1.3 Fatigue testing machine 4.2 Stress-life (S–N) curve 4.2.1 General S –N curve 4.2.2 P –S –N curve 4.2.3 Fatigue limit under fully reversed uniaxial stress 4.3 Influence of mean stress 4.4 Factors affecting S –N characteristics 4.4.1 Microstructure 4.4.2 Size effect 4.4.3 Surface quality 4.4.4 Environment and frequency 4.5 S –N model and evaluation 4.6 Use S –N model for life prediction 4.7 Summary Problems References Chapter 5 Strain fatigue 5.1 Strain-controlled test 5.2 Monotonic stress-stain behavior 5.3 Cyclic stress-strain behavior 5.3.1 Cyclic stress-strain curve 5.3.2 Cyclic hardening and softening 5.3.3 Testing method of cyclic stress-strain curve 5.4 Life prediction using strain-life method 5.5 Evaluation of parameters 5.6 Mean stress effects 5.7 Factors influencing strain-life behavior 5.8 Summary Problems References Chapter 6 Fatigue crack growth 6.1 Introduction of LEFM 6.1.1 Crack form 6.1.2 Solution of SIF 6.1.3 K expression 6.1.4 Superposition principle 6.1.5 Limitation 6.2 Plastic zone at crack tip 6.2.1 Concept of plastic zone 6.2.2 Size of monotone plastic zone 6.2.3 Size of cyclic plastic zone 6.2.4 Plastic deformation mechanism 6.3 Fracture toughness 6.3.1 Fracture toughness evaluation method 6.3.2 Plane strain fracture toughness Kic 6.3.3 Influencing factors of fracture toughness 6.4 Fatigue crack growth behavior 6.4.1 Crack growth curve 6.4.2 Testing me |