Chapter 1 Social Studies ? History and Geography
Day 01...3
The U.S. Geography
The Regions of the United States
Day 02...7
The United States
A Nation of Diversity
Day 03...11
The U.S. Economy
From Farming to Technology
Day 04...15
People and Culture
The Native People of North America
Day 05...19
The European Exploration of Asia and the Americas
The Age of Exploration
Day 06...23
Europeans in the Americas
The Spanish Conquerors in the Americas
Day 07...27
Colonial America
The First French and English Colonies
Day 08...31
The Declaration of Independence
The American Revolution
Wrap-Up Test 1...35
Chapter 2 Science
Day 09...39
How Are Living Things Classified?
The Five Kingdoms of Organisms
Day 10...43
The Seven Levels of Classification
Day 11...47
How Plants Meet Their Needs
Plant Structures and Functions
Day 12...51
How Do Plants Reproduce?
Flowers and Seeds
Day 13...55
What Are Some Types of Plants?
Plants with Seeds
Day 14...59
Plants without Seeds
Seedless Vascular Plants and Nonvascular Plants
Day 15...63
Plant Responses and Adaptations
How Do Plants Respond to Their Environments?
Wrap-Up Test 2...67
Chapter 3 Mathematics ? Language ? Visual Arts ? Music
Day 16...71
Numbers and Number Sense
Understanding Numbers
Day 17...75
Geometric Figures
Day 18...79
Myths and Legends
The Iliad and the Odyssey
Day 19...83
Learning about Language
Figures of Speech
Day 20...87
Classical Art
Greek and Roman Art
Day 21...91
Classical Music
The Western Musical Tradition
Wrap-Up Test 3...95
Answers and Translations...98
Word List...114