内容推荐 本书是国家统计局宁夏调查总队编辑的集调查分析报告和统计调查数据于一体的资料性书籍。 本书系统收录了宁夏全区及沿黄地区、中南部地区和各市、县(区)2018年城乡居民收入、物价、粮食产量、畜禽产品产量、农民工就业、农村贫困等统计调查数据,同时还整理了历史重要年份全国、全区主要统计调查数据,是一部从不同侧面反映宁夏经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊。 本书正文内容分为七大篇章,即,1.综合;2.住户调查;3.价格调查;4.农业调查;5.农民工调查;6.农村贫困调查;7.附录。为方便读者使用,每篇调查数据前后分别附简要说明和主要指标解释,对本项调查的数据来源、主要指标口径变动情况、主要指标涵义等作了说明和解释。 目录 第一篇 综合 General Survey 宁夏回族自治区2018年国民经济和社会发展统计公报 Ningxia Statistic Bulletin ofNational Economy and Social Development(201 8) 第二篇 住户调查 Household Survey 简要说明 2018年宁夏全体居民收入稳定增长 2018年宁夏农民收入稳步提升 2018年宁夏城镇居民收入平稳增长 2-1 2018年全体居民家庭基本情况 Basic Statistics of Urban and Rural Households(2018) 2-2 2018年全体居民家庭房屋基本情况 Basic Statistics of House ofUrban and Rural Households(2018、 2-3 2018年全体居民家庭就业年龄及学历构成情况 Composition Statistics of Employment Age and Education ofUrban and Rural Households(2018) 2-4 2018年全体居民家庭主要食品消费数量 Consumption of Major Foods by Urban and Rural Households(2018) 2-5 2018年全区及各市县全体居民人均可支配收入及来源 Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban and Rural Residents by Sources by City and County(2018) 2-6 2018年全区及各市县全体居民人均消费支出情况 Basic Statistics ofConsumption Expenditure ofUrban and Rural Residents by City and County(2018) 2-7 主要年份各市县全体居民人均可支配收入 Per Capita Annual Disposable Income of Urban and Rural Households by City and County in Main Years 2-8 主要年份全区农村居民家庭基本情况 Basic Statistics ofRural Households in Main Years 2-9 主要年份全区农村居民家庭主要产品出售情况 Basic Statistics of Production and Sale of Major Products of Rural Households in Main Years 2-10 主要年份全区农村居民家庭总收入来源情况 Basic Statistics of Total Income of Rural Households by Sources in Main Years 2-11 主要年份全区农村居民家庭分行业人均可支配收入情况 Basic Statistics of Disposable Income of Rural Households by Sector in Main Years 2-12 主要年份全区农村居民家庭总支出情况 Basic Statistics of Total Expenditure of Rural Households in Main Years 2-13 主要年份全区农村居民家庭现金收支情况 Basic Statistics of Cash Income and Expenditure of Rural Households in Main Years 2-14 主要年份全区农村居民家庭主要食物消费情况 Basic Statistics ofMajor Foods Consumption of Rural Households in Main Years 2-15 主要年份全区农村居民家庭主要耐用物品百户拥有情况 Ownership of Major Durable Consumer Goods per 100 Rural Households in Main Years 2-16 2018年各市县农村居民家庭主要经营情况和参加医疗保险情况 Business Condition and Joined Medical Insurance ofRural Households by City and County(2018) 2-17 2018年各市县农村居民家庭人口及劳动力就业情况 Household Size and Statistics of Employed Labour Force of Rural Households by City and County(2018) 2-18 2018年各市县农村居民家庭拥有生产性固定资产情况 Ownership ofProductive Fixed Assets of Rural Households by City and County(2018) 2-19 2018年各市县农村居民家庭住房及经营土地情况 Basic Statistics of Residence and Area ofLand Managed of Rural Households by City and County(2018) 2-20 2018年各市县农村居民家庭农作物种植情况 Basic Statistics of Farm Crop Planting ofRural Households by City and County(2018) 2-21 2018年各市县农村居民家庭农业生产情况 Basic Statistics of Agricultural Production of Rural Households by City and County(2018) 2-22 2018年各市县农村居民家庭农林牧渔业产品出售情况 Basic Statistics ofAgriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Products Sales of Rural Households by City and County(2019) 2-23 2018年各市县农村居民家庭总收入来源情况 Basic Statistics of Total Income of Rural Households by Sources by City and County(2018) 2-24 2018年各市县农村居民家庭总支出情况 Basic Statistics of Total Expenses ofRural Households by City and County(2018) 2-25 2018年各市县农村居民可支配收入来源情况 Basic Statistics of Disposable Income of Rural Households by Sources by City and County(2018) 2-26 2018年各市县农村居民家庭现金收入来源情况 Basic Statistics of Cash Income of Rural Households by Sources and City and County(2018) 2-27 2018年各市县农村居民家庭现金支出情 |