内容推荐 本教材依托圣智的优质资源,融合现代商务英语所涉及的各个方面知识,将全球最新、最优质、最热门的视听资源融入商务英语教学。其主要特点有:课程内容编排循序渐进,内容覆盖面广,符合学生的学习规律,同时又配有原汁原味的优质视音频资源,让学生能够真正融入商务英语的真实环境,提早适应职场工作的需要。 目录 UNIT 1 Work roles Warming Up Text A Work roles Business know-how Text B Attending interviews UNIT 2 Headhunting Warming up Text A Why do people headhunt? Business know-how Text B Headhunting UNIT 3 Entering a market Warming up Text A Doing business in China Business know-how Text B Business practices in China UNIT 4 Trade fair Warming Up Text A Can you afford to miss this year's Festival of Ceramics? Business know-how Text B Replying to enquiries about an exhibition Review Test 1 UNIT 5 Global sourcing Warming Up Text A Supplier relationships Business know-how Text B Choosing a supplier UNIT 6 Busi ness eth ics Warming Up Text A Ethical practice report Business know-how Text B Ethical issues UNIT 7 Company reporti ng Warming up Text A television report Business know-how Text B Annual reports UNIT 8 The future of work Warming up Text A The future of work Business know-how Text B Predictions about the future of work Case study Globalisation Warming up Case Marriott’S globalisaUon Business know-how Analysis Enteri ng the market Review Test 2 |