内容推荐 该教材包含了运筹学的主要内容,包括线性规划、对偶规划、运输问题、目标规划、整数规划、图论与网络规划、动态规划、对策论等主要分支。适用于理、工科专业,旨在提高学生运用数学知识解决实际问题的能力。目前国内外有关运筹学的教材基本上是上个世纪八、九十年代的版本,大部分是经济、管理专业的,有些理论性太强,有些只有应用没有理论,都不适合我们的教学要求。另外,教材在内容上注意了学习过程中与学生的融合、互动,比如,有些定理只给出结论,把证明留给学生完成,这样有助于提高学生学习的主动性与参与性。所有内容按难、中、易可供不同专业学生选讲。 目录 Chapter 0 Introduction 0.1 The definitions of Operations Research 0.2 The development history of Operations Research 0.3 The nature of Operations Research Chapter 1 Linear Programming 1.1 Linear programming problems 1.2 Graphical LP solution 1.3 The standard form of the LP model 1.4 The theory of the simplex method 1.5 Simplex method and simplex tableau 1.6 Determining an initial basic feasible solution 1.7 Degenerate problem 1.8 The revised simplex algorithm Exercises Chapter 2 Dual Programming 2.1 Dual programming problem and its mathematical model 2.2 Duality theory 2.3 Dual simplex method 2.4 Shadow price 2.5 Sensitivity analysis 2.6 Parameter linear programming Exercises Chapter 3 The Transportation Problem 3.1 The transportation problem model 3.2 The tableau operation method 3.3 The unbalanced transportation problem Exercises Chapter 4 Goal Programming 4.1 The mathematical model of goal programming 4.2 Simplex method Exercises Chapter 5 Integer Programming 5.1 Mathematical model of integer programming 5.2 Branch-and-bound algorithm 5.3 Cutting-plane algorithm 5.4 The assignment problem and Hungarian Algorithm Exercises Chapter 6 Graph Theory 6.1 Graphs and subgraphs 6.2 Trees 6.3 The shortest path problem 6.4 Transportation networks 6.5 Network plan Exercises Chapter 7 Dynamic Progamming 7.1 Decision problems with multiple stages 7.2 Forward and backward recursion Exercises Chapter 8 Game Theory 8.1 The mathematical model of matrix game 8.2 The optimal strategy 8.3 Linear programming Exercises Indexes