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内容推荐 本书收录《中国图书馆学报》2019年度发表的重点理论文章8篇,收录的文章包括“The experience and transformation of Chinese librarianship”“Library transformation in the post-knowledge service era”“From gatekeeper to gateway to gate-opener: A new role for the global library field”等。所收文章包括当前图书馆学情报学研究的前沿问题、热点问题,全面反映一年来中国图书馆学研究的状况与水平。 目录 SPECIAL TOPIC: 110th anniversary of NLC The experience and transformation of Chinese librarianship RAO Quan From gatekeeper to gateway to gate-opener: A new role for the global library field Gerald LEITHER The development of library science in China in an international perspective CHENG Huanwen & LIU Jiaqin Library transformation in the post-knowledge service era KE Ping & ZOU Jinhui Eight major problems in the development of the librarianship in China YE Jiyuan Transition: Adolescents' hybrid reading in the omnimedia era LI Guihua & LIU Jing Exploring the user platform preference and user interest preference of Chinese scholarly articles: A comparison based on usage metrics CHEN Bikun, ZHOU Huixian, ZHONG Zhouyan & WANG Yuefen Citing behavior of Chinese books based on citation content ZHANG ChengZhi, LI Zhuo, ZHAO Mengyuan, LIU Jiahao & ZHOU Qingqing Extended English abstracts of articles published in the Chinese edition of journal of Library Science in China, Vol.45, 2019 |