内容推荐 本论文集包含了2018年在成都举行的国际学术论坛Smart Language services: Integration and Development的会议交流论文中选择的学术论文,共10篇,旨在向读者介绍在2018年不同学科背景学者在以语言与技术领域的交叉融合发展的视角对全球旅游、教育、翻译、跨文化传播的探索。其中跨境旅游、跨境电商是本次论文集中的重点推出的板块。希望借助论文的出版,分享来自不同文化、不同学科背景的学者对于语言服务的新理解、新行动和新发现。 目录 Exploring Translational Creativity in Translation Process:A Comparison of Professional and Student Translators An Analysis of the Cultural Inheritance of Daijyousai from the Perspective of Cultural Memory Theory An Investigation of Liu Bei's Image of "Master of Cry": Some Preliminary Findings from The Parallel Corpus of Romance of the Three Kingdoms Culture,Education and Language:Literature Review of International and Domestic Studies on Cultural Capital and Educational Attainment Link between Translating and Its Social Context:A Case Study of Translating Romance the ofThree Kingdoms in the History ofThailand Discourse Cohesion and Coherence in Tess of the d'UrberviUes from the Perspective of FunctionaI Grammar Implications of Chinese Students'Cultural Stereotype of Americans:A Chengdu University Case On James J.Y.Liu's Construction of Universal Theory of Literature on Metaphysical Theories and Its Fallacy Arthur Waley's“Re-creation”in the Translation of Chinese Poetry The Influence of Machine Translation on English Majors'Future Job Hunting |