内容推荐 本书侧重于介绍飞机部件维修专业的英语知识,包括航空维修基础知识,飞机部件维修介绍,飞机机械部件维修,飞机电气部件维修,飞机电子部件维修以及飞机起落架部件维修和飞机动力装置(主要指发动机)维修等7章。内容上从飞机和部件的维修基础知识逐步深入到各类别典型部件的具体修理知识,基本涵盖了航空维修尤其是飞机部件维修各岗位所需的英语知识。 本书可作为高等职业院校飞机大类(机械、电气、电子、起落架、发动机)部件修理相关专业以及航空维修类专业的教材,也可供机务维修人员参考。 目录 Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge about Aviation Maintenance 1.1 Classification of Aviation Maintenance 1.2 Aeronautical Materials and Corrosion Control 1.3 Introduction of Aviation Fasteners 1.4 Common Hand Tools and Measuring Tools 1.5 Introduction of Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Chapter 2 Aircraft Component Maintenance 2.1 Requirement and Classification 2.2 Component Work Flow 2.3 Manuals and Documents 2.4 License for the Component Maintenance Personnel Chapter 3 Aircraft Mechanical Component Maintenance 3.1 Introduction of Pneumatic Component 3.2 Bleed Valve 3.3 Cooling Turbine 3.4 Starter 3.5 Variable Delivery Hydraulic Pump Maintenance 3.6 Flexible Fuel Level Measuring Stick(Flexi-Stick Assembly) 3.7 Surge Tank Pressure Relief Valve Chapter 4 Aircraft Electrical Component Maintenance 4.1 Introduction of Aircraft Electrical System 4.2 APU Generator for A380 4.3 Direct-Current Motor 4.4 Battery Maintenance 4.5 Coffee Maker Chapter 5 Aircraft Avionics Component Maintenance 5.1 Introduction to Avionics System 5.2 Flight Control Computer 5.3 Solid-State Flight Data Recorder 5.4 HF Antenna Coupler 5.5 VOR/ILS Navigation Receiver Chapter 6 Landing Gear 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Main Gear Shock Strut Maintenance 6.3 Landing Gear Extension and Retraction Systems 6.4 Aircraft Wheels 6.5 Aircraft Brakes Chapter 7 Aircraft Power Plant Maintenance 7.1 Theory of Aircraft Engine 7.2 Types of Gas Turbine Engines for Aircraft 7.3 Basic Components of Gas Turbine Engine 7.4 Typical Components Maintenance of Gas Turbine Engine Vocabulary References |