内容推荐 《靠前汇兑与结算(英文版)》由南京工业职业技术大学靠前汇兑与结算课程团队会同行业企业专家共同编写。全书共设计了3个能力模块、9个学习任务,每个学习任务都以“展示案例”开头,针对案例“提出问题”,针对案例及问题详细介绍“相关知识”,很终“分析案例”、解决问题。 《靠前汇兑与结算(英文版)》既可作为高职高专院校、中等职业技术学校、本科院校靠前商务专业和其他相关财经类专业学生的教学及实训用书,也可作为相关涉外企业业务人员培训用书,同时也适合有志从事进出口贸易、靠前物流、商务英语等相关工作的人员使用。 目录 Module 1 Exchange rate analysis and application Task 1 An illustration of foreign exchange and exchange rate Task 2 Calculation and application of the exchange rate Task 3 Analyze the factors influencing exchange rate fluctuations Task 4 Import and export quotation Module 2 Foreign exchange exposure prevention and transfer ability Task 5 Identify and analyze foreign exchange exposure Task 6 Precautions against foreign exchange exposure Task 7 Transfer of foreign exchange exposure Module 3 International settlement operation and application ability Task 8 Recognize,distinguise,issue and judge bills Task 9 Different methods for international settlements References |