内容推荐 1900年《德国民法典》意义重大,影响深远,是大陆法系之根源及学术研究所本。民国时期法学名家王宠惠以《德国民法典》英译本较大程度的展现了《德国民法典》的立法思想及特色。戴永盛老师此次校勘该英译本《德国民法典》,既改正了其中的错漏之处,又再次向读者展示了《德国民法典》的精髓。 目录 PREFACE. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. FIRST BOOK. General Principles. First Section.PERSONS. First Title.Natural Persons. Second Title.Juristic Persons. Ⅰ.Associations. 1.General Provisions. 2.Registered Associations. Ⅱ.Foundations. Ⅲ.Juristic Persons under Public Law. Second Section.THINGS. Third Section.JURISTIC ACTS. First Title.Disposing Capacity. Second Title.Declaration of Intention. Third Title.Contract. Fourth Title.Conditions.Limitation of Time. Fifth Title.Agency.Power of Agency. Sixth Title.Approval.Ratification. THE GERMAN CIVIL CODE Fourth Section.PERIODS OF TIME.DATES. Fifth Section.PRESCRIPTION. Sixth Section.EXERCISE OF RIGHTS.SELF-DEFENCE.SELF-HELP. Seventh Section.GIVING OF SECURITY. SECOND BOOK. Law of Obligations. First Section.SCOPE OF OBLIGATIONS. First Title.Obligation of Performance. Second Title.Default of the Creditor. Second Section.OBLIGATIONS EX CONTRACTU. First Title.Creation of an Obligation.Scope of a Contract. Second Title.Mutual Contract. Third Title.Promise of Performance in favour of a Third Party. Fourth Title.Earnest.Stipulated Penalty. Fifth Title.Rescission. Third Section.EXTINCTION OF OBLIGATIONS. First Title.Fulfilment. Second Title.Lodgment. Third Title.Set-off. Fourth Title.Release. Fourth Section.TRANSFER OF CLAIMS. Fifth Section.ASSUMPTION OF DEBT. Sixth Section.PLURALITY OF DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. Seventh Section.PARTICULAR KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS. First Title.Sale.Exchange. Ⅰ.General Provisions. Ⅱ.Warranty against Defects of Quality. …… |