内容推荐 书稿主要通过问卷调查、临床试验研究的方法,说明芳疗在改善人的情绪、提高注意力等方面的作用。全书共八章,分为两个部分:理论部分介绍了传统中医语境下的芳疗及其在生理和心理方面的疗效;实验部分通过两个具体的实验及相应的分析,说明芳疗对于工作和学习环境下改善负面情绪、提高注意力具有一定的功效。 目录 Introduction 1 The Basic Theory of TCM,Aromatherapy,ANS and HRV 1.1 The Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1.2 Aromatherapy 1.3 Two Main Systems of Aroma Inhaling 1.4 Heart Rate Variability 2 Approaches,Objectives and Hypotheses 2.1 Approaches 2.2 Objectives 2.3 Hypotheses 3 General Materials and Methods 3.1 Questionnaires 3.2 Heart Rate Variability Analysis:Instruments and Procedures 3.3 Aroma Instruments and Procedures 4 Study for Determining Whether Aroma Reduces Anxiety and Improves Attention 4.1 Objective 4.2 Sample 4.3 Instruments 4.4 Procedure …… |