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书名 智慧设备识别--泛在电力物联网(英文版)(精)
分类 经济金融-经济-工业经济
作者 刘辉//于程名//吴海平
出版社 科学出版社
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview of Ubiquitous Electric Intemet of Things (UEIOT)
1.1.1 Features of Ubiquitous Electric Intemet of Things
1.1.2 Composition of Ubiquitous Electric Intemet of Things
1.1.3 Application Prospect and Value of Ubiquitous Electric Internet of Things
1.2 Key Techniques of UEIOT
1.2.1 Smart Electric Device Recognition
1.2.2 Intemet of Things
1.2.3 Big Data Analysis
1.2.4 Cloud Platforms
1.2.5 Computational Intelligence
1.2.6 Smart Model Embedding
1.2.7 Others
1.3 Smart Device Recognition in UEIOT
1.3.1 Data Acquisition Module
1.3.2 Event Detection Module
1.3.3 Feature Extraction Module
1.3.4 Load Identification Module
1.4 Different Strategies for Smart Device Recognition
1.4.1 Clustering Strategies for Device Recognition
1.4.2 Optimizing Strategies for Device Recognition
1.4.3 Ensemble Strategies for Device Recognition
1.4.4 Deep Learning Strategies for Device Recognition
1.5 Scope of the Book
2 Smart Non-intrusive Device Recognition Based on Physical Methods
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Device Recognition Method Based on Decision Tree
2.2.1 Evaluation Criteria
2.2.2 Basic Definitions of Physical Features
2.2.3 Original Dataset
2.2.4 The Theoretical Basis of Decision Tree
2.3 Device Recognition Method Based on Template Matching Method
2.3.1 The Basic Content of the Template Matching Method
2.3.2 Device Recognition Based on KNN Algorithm
2.3.3 Device Recognition Based on DTW Algorithm
2.4 Device Recognition Method Based On Current Decomposition
2.4.1 Introduction of the Current Decomposition Method
2.4.2 Physical Features of Current Decomposition
2.5 Experiment Analysis
2.5.1 Common Optimization Algorithms
2.5.2 Classification Results
2.5.3 Summary
3 Smart Non-intrusive Device Recognition Based on Intelfigent Single-Label Classification Methods
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Device Recognition Method Based on Support Vector Machine
3.2.1 Feature Extraction
3.2.2 Steps of the Model Based on SVM
3.2.3 Performance Evaluation
3.3 Device Recognition Method Based on Extreme Learning Machine
3.3.1 Data Process and Feature Extraction
3.3.2 Steps of the Model Based on Extreme Learning Machine
3.3.3 Performance Evaluation
3.4 Device Recognition Method Based on Artificial Neural Network
3.4.1 Data Process and Feature Extraction
3.4.2 Steps of the Multi-layer Perceptron Based Model
3.4.3 Performance Evaluation
3.5 Experiment Analysis
4 Smart Non-intrusive Device Recognition Based on Intelligent Multi-label Classification Methods
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Background
4.1.2 Dataset Used in the Chapter
4.2 Device Recognition Method Based on Ranking Support Vector Machine
4.2.1 Model Framework
4.2.2 Data Labeling
4.2.3 Feature Extraction and Reconstruction
4.2.4 The Basic Theory of the Ranking Support Vector Machine
4.2.5 Multi-label Classification Evaluation Indices
4.2.6 Evaluation of Ranking SVM in Terms of Multi-label Device Recognition
4.3 Device Recognition Method Based on Multi-label K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm
4.3.1 Model Framework
4.3.2 Data Preprocessing
4.3.3 The Basic Theory of Multi-label K-Nearest Neighbors
4.3.4 Evaluation of MLKNN in Terms of Multi-label Device Recognition
4.4 Device Recognition Method Based on Multi-label Neural Networks
4.4.1 Model Framework
4.4.2 Preprocessing of the Raw Data
4.4.3 The Basic Theory of Backpropagation Multi-labe Learning
4.4.4 Evaluation of BPMLL in Terms of Multi-label Device Recognition
4.5 Experiment Analysis
5 Smart Non-intrusive Device Recognition Based on Intelligent
Clustering Methods
5.1 Introducti




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