New results in the theory of irregularities of point distributions
Proprietes arithm&tiques de fonctions theta plusieurs variables
Multiplicative Galois structure
Heuristics on class groups of number fields Lower bounds for regulators
Sur quelques moyennes des coefficients de Fourier de formes modulaires
Zur algebraischen Unabhangigkeit gewisser Werte der Exponentialfunktion
Analytical and arithmetical methods in the theory of Fuchsian groups
Cubic forms in 10 variables
On the structure of Galois groups as Galois modules
Values of zeta-functions at non-negative integers
Euclidean rings of integers of fourth degree fields
Equations over function fields
On Thue's principle and its applications
Formations de classes et modules d'Iwasawa
On the remainder term of the prime number formula and the zeros of Riemann's zetafunction
Structures Galoisiennes
New very large amicable pairs
Rigid-analytic L-transforms
Un rapport sur de r¢s travaux en theorie analytlque des nombres
Sur la resolution d'un probl4mede plongement
Mixing properties of the linear permutation group
Independance algebrique et exponentielles en plusieurs variables
Recent progress in transcendence theory