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书名 | 如何教英语写作(英文版)/英语教师专业素养丛书 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | (新西兰)雷切尔·鲁格 |
出版社 | 外语教学与研究出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 对于大多数英语教师和学习者来说,写作都无异于最艰巨的任务。本书聚焦英语写作中的教与学,详解写作作业的定义和描述、写作作业的题目和选择、助力学习者的手段、适合学习者的流程和策略、写作反馈,以及写作评估方法等几大方面,试图通过作者亲身的教学研究与实践,在语言技能与写作技能两个方面取得微妙的平衡。不论是初入这一行,还是教学已经年,本书都将为广大的英语写作教师增添助益,方方面面地照顾到学生的不同需求。 作者简介 雷切尔·鲁格博士是新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学语言学与应用语言研究学院高级讲师。她曾在新西兰、德国、中国和日本教授英语,并在大学里教授学术英语写作。除英语语言教学、学术英语写作教学与评估之外,其研究方向还包括学习自主性、学术英语和作为教学语言的英语。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.0 Teaching and learning writing in ESL/EFL 1.3 Approaches to teaching and learning writing 1.1.1 Product approaches 1.1.2 Process approaches 1.1.3 Genre-based approaches 1.1.4 Post-process approaches 1.2 Introduction to this book 1.2.1 Types of writing 1.2.2 Topics for writing 1.2.3 Supporting writing tasks 1.2.4 Writing processes 1.2.5 Facilitating feedback 1.2.6 Assessment of writing Chapter 2 Types of writing 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Genre of writing 2.2 Scope of writing 2.2.1 Character writing 2.2.2 Word writing 2.2.3 Sentence writing 2.2.4 Paragraph writing 2.2.5 Short essay writing 2.2.6 Full-length essay writing 2.2.7 Extended academic writing 2.3 Rhetorical modes 2.3.1 Description 2.3.2 Exposition 2.3.3 Definition 2.3.4 Process analysis 2.3.5 Classification 2.3.6 Comparison/Contrast 2.3.7 Cause and effect 2.3.8 Problem solution 2.3.9 Critique 2.3.10 Argument/Persuasion Chapter 3 Topics for writing 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Who should select topics? 3.2 Practices for student-led topic selection 3.2.1 Scope of topic 3.2.2 Amount of freedom to choose 3.3 Possible topics for writing tasks 3.3.1 Types of topics 3.4 Assigning a writing task Chapter 4 Supporting writing tasks 4.0 Introduction 4.1 Preparing students for writing tasks 4.2 Supporting students during writing tasks 4.2.1 Partial writing 4.2.2 Replication writing 4.2.3 Collaborative writing Chapter 5 Writing processes 5.0 Introduction 5.1 Pre-writing processes for essay writing 5.1.1 Assessing the writing situation 5.1.2 Generating ideas 5.1.30 rganising ideas 5.2 Pre-writing processes for research paper writing 5.2.1 Assessing the writing situation 5.2.2 Researching 5.2.3 Note-taking 5.2.30 rganising ideas Chapter 6 Facilitating feedback 6.0 Introduction 6.1 When should feedback be provided? 6.2 Who should provide feedback? 6.3 How should feedback be provided? 6.3.1 Modes of feedback delivery 6.3.2 Methods of feedback delivery 6.4 What should feedback focus on? 6.5 How to encourage learners to pay attention to feedback Chapter 7 Assessment of writing 7.0 Introduction 7.1 Testing writing 7.2 Classroom writing assessment 7.2.1 Who should assess classroom writing tasks? 7.2.2 What should be assessed in the writing classroom? 7.2.3 How should writing be assessed? Chapter 8 Conclusion 8.0 Summary 8.1 Important principles Glossary References |
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