释义 |
oak UK [əʊk] US [oʊk] noun countable or uncountable ADVANCED ■a large tree that is common especially in northern countries, or the hard wood of this tree 橡树;栎树;橡木;栎木•a mighty oak巨大的橡树 •The timbers of those old sailing ships were mainly oak.制造那些老帆船的木料主要是橡木。 •an oak table/cupboard橡木桌/橱 UK [əʊk] US [oʊk] noun countable or uncountable Tall / Great oaks from little acorns grow. saying ■said about organizations or plans which start off very small or simple and become extremely large or successful 参天巨树萌生于幼籽;合抱之木生于毫末 |