作者简介 冯玉军 中国人民大学教授、博士生导师,河北经贸大学副校长,中国人民大学法律与宗教研究中心主任、国家发展与战略研究院社会转型与法治研究中心主任、法治评估中心执行主任,甘肃政法学院“飞天学者”特聘教授。《朝阳法律评论》主编。中国立法学研究会副会长兼秘书长,中国法学会法治理论研究会常务理事,国家社科基金评审专家。美国哥伦比亚大学法学院、哈佛大学法学院访问学者。已出版学术专著14部、译著5部,主编教材和论文集6部,在及核心刊物上发表论文140余篇。在法学理论、法经济学、立法学、比较法学和宗教法治研究领域有广泛学术影响。 Dr. Xie Jiangnan is professor of English at the School of Foreign Languages, Renmin University of China. She has published books and articles on theater studies, literature and criticism. Her most recent book is Bernard Shaw Studies (2015). 目录 Introduction Promoting the Rule of Law Comprehensively and Constructing Law—Based China 1 1.Promoting the Rule of Law Comprehensively and Constructing the Rule of Law in China is the Only Road of Promoting the Political Civilization and Realizing Comprehensive Modernization of the Society 2 2.Comprehensively Promoting the Rule of Law, Constructing the Rule of Law in China is the Inherent Requirement of Comprehen—sively Deepening Reform, Developing Soist Market Economy and Improving the Modern Market Economy System 4 3.Comprehensively Promoting the Rule of Law and Constructing the Rule of Law in China is the Foundation of Promoting the Modernization of the State Management System and Governance Capacity, of Building Moderately Prosperous Society, Ensuring People's Happiness, and Safeguard So Fairness and Justice 6 4.Comprehensively Promoting the Rule of Law and Constructing the Rule of Law in China is the Basic Method of Improving the Ruling Capacity of the Party and Consolidating the Party's Ruling Position 9 5.Comprehensively Promoting the Rule of Law and Constructing the Rule of Law in China is the Basic Guarantee of Strengthening China's Voice of Rule of Law in Global Affaires and Realizing the Chinese Dream of the Great Revival 11 Chapter One Adhering to the Soist System of the Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics 15 1.The Origin and Development of the Soist System of the Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics 17 2.Major Experience of China's Soist System of the Rule of Law Construction 22 3.Upholding the Leadership of the Party is the Key of the Rule of Law 26 4.The System of Soism with Chinese Characteristics is the Basic System to Safeguard the Rule of Law 32 5.Theories of Soist System of the Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics as the Guideline for the Rule of Law 38 Chapter Two Constructing Soist System of the Rule of Law 55 1.Basic Content of Constructing Soist Rule of Law 57 2.Basic Principles of Constructing Soist System of the Rule of Law 67 3.The Basic Components of Soist System of the Rule of Law Development 72 Chapter Three Completing the Rule of Law under the Guidance of the Constitution 81 1.The Formation of Soist System of the Rule of Law 84 2.Upholding the Dignity of the Constitution and Completing the Supervision System of the Constitution 86 3.Promoting the Legal Reform 90 4.Deepening Scientific and Domestic Legislation 100 5.Enhancing Legislation in Key Areas 107 Chapter Four Building a Law—Based Government Through Strictly Implementing Administration in Accordance with Law 115 1.Basic Characteristics of a Law—based Government 118 2.Goals of a Law—based Government 124 3.Tasks of a Law—based Government 128 Chapter Five Upholding Judi Justice and Promoting Judf Credibility 151 1.Deepening the Reform of Judi System 154 2.Guaranteeing Independent and Fair Jurisdiction 158 3.Improving the Operation Mechanism of Judi Power 165 4.Improving the Judi Safeguard System 175 5.Improving the Judi Profession System 178 Chapter Six Developing the Spirit of Rule of Law and Building a Society Based upon the Rule of Law 183 1.Enhancing People's Concept of Rule of Law 186 2.Innovating Legal Education, Optimizing the Cultivation of Personnel of Rule of Law 192 3.Improving So Governance According to the Law 201 4.Integrating the Soist Core Values into the Building of the Rule of Law 204 5.Persisting in Moral Education, Combining the Rule of Morality and the Rule of Law 209 Chapter Seven The CPC's Rule of Law 213 1.Correctly Understanding the Relationship Between the CPC and the Rule of Law 215 2.Carrying out the CPC's Leadership in the Whole Process of the Rule of Law 224 3.Upholding Governance by Law 230 内容推荐 习总书记曾提到:法治是治国理政的基本方式。本书从“坚持中国特色,建设法治体系”“推进科学立法,完善以宪法为核心的法律体系”“完善中国特色社会主义法律体系”“弘扬法治精神,推进法治社会建设”“加强法治队伍和法治职业共同体建设”等六个方面,深入解读全面依法治国战略思想和实践,深刻认识并总结党治国理政的宝贵经验。 |