内容推荐 《靠前学院URP研究成果论文集(靠前0辑)》为靠前学院学生基于科研实践撰写的论文集,这些科研实践是根据学校的本科生科研实践计划开展的,本次出版论文的科研成果主要集中在以下几个领域:宏观经济政策、投资、教育、农业供应链、社会满意度等。 目录 The Investment Opportunities during the Project Implementation of Jing-Jin-Ji Integration Case Study: Effect on the Medium Term ROI by Wutong Holding Group Co. , Ltd in the Wireless Telecommunication Industry with ESOP Practice Exploring the Semi-annual Stock Price Performance after Implementing ESOP by Listed Company Shenzhen Sunsea Communication Company in Chinese A-share Market Comparative Analysis on the Implementation of ESOP in USA and in China and lts Enlightenments Research on ESOP Medium Term Effect on the Price of a Listed Company, SLAC Company, in Precise Instrument Manufacturing Industry Study of Anonymity, Group Identification and Aggressive Messages on Computer-mediated Communication among Chinese College Students How to Increase the Sales of Purchasing Agency on We Chat Weibo Usage among Chinese College Students: Exploring the Participation on Society Topical Issues in China Based on Uses and Gratification Theory The Study on Market Competition between Different So Media in China -Taking the QQ and We Chat as an Example Research on Environmental Literacy in University Students in China Green University Research on the Suggestion of Advancing Environmental Literacy of University Students in Beijing Exploring the Persuasion Effect of Online Product Reviews on Consumers' Attitude Satisfaction of the " Last Mile" Analysis of Environmental Benefit Distribution Preference Based on So Satisfaction |