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书名 | 起伏拉伸和变涩模态--海洋中的气候变化(英文版)(精)/全球变化与地球系统科学系列 |
分类 | 生活休闲-旅游地图-地图 |
作者 | 黄瑞新 |
出版社 | 高等教育出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书是关于大洋中气候变化有关的热力学和动力学的专著,其中包括:海水热力学、等密度层分析和海洋中的气候变化。传统的海水热力学分析是基于温盐图,本书用位密度和新引进的位涩度构建了一个新的正交曲线坐标。这个新的密涩图是一个距离空间,因此,点与点,点集与点集之间中可以严格地定义距离。海洋学中传统的等密度面分析法进而推广到等密度层分析法,海洋中的气候变化可以分解为起伏、拉伸和变涩模态。 本书为海洋中的气候变化的研究提供了理论基础和一整套的分析工具,可供相关专业的师生及科研工作者参考。 目录 1 Basic Concepts 1.1 Roles of Wind in Climate Variability 1.2 Main Thermocline in the World Oceans 1.3 Reduced Gravity Model, Advantage and Limitation 1.3.1 Model Formulation 1.3.2 The Reduced Gravity in the World Oceans 1.4 Layer Outcropping: The Physics and the Numerical Method References 2 Climate Variability Diagnosed from the Spherical Coordinates 2.1 Climate Variability Diagnosed in the z-Coordinate 2.2 External/Internal Modes in Meridional/Zonal Directions 2.2.1 Heat Content Anomaly 2.2.2 Salinity Anomaly 2.2.3 Density Anomaly 2.3 Adiabatic Signals in the Upper Ocean 2.3.1 Adiabatic Adjustment in the Upper Ocean 2.3.2 Adiabatic Wave Adjustment in the Meridional Direction 2.4 The Regulation of MOC (MHF) by Wind Stress and Buoyancy Anomalies 2.4.1 Introduction 2.4.2 Surface Density Anomaly 2.4.3 Correlation Between Surface Forces and MOC 2.4.4 Conclusion 2.5 Adiabatic Heaving Signals in the Deep Ocean 2.6 Final Remarks References 3 Heaving, Stretching, Spicing and Isopycnal Analysis 3.1 Heaving, Stretching and Spicing Modes 3.1.1 Adiabatic and Isentropic Processes 3.1.2 Heaving, Stretching and Spicing Modes 3.1.3 External Heaving Modes Versus Internal Heaving Modes 3.1.4 Wave Processes Related to Adiabatic Internal Heaving Modes 3.1.5 Local Versus Global Heaving Modes 3.2 Potential Spicity 3.2.1 Introduction 3.2.2 Define Potential Spicity by Line Integration 3.2.3 Define Potential Spicity in the Least Square Sense 3.2.4 Solve the Linearized Least Square Problem 3.2.5 Potential Spicity Functions Based on UNESCO EOS-80 3.2.6 Potential Spicity Functions Based on UNESCO TEOS_10 3.3 σ-π Diagram and Its Application 3.3.1 The Meaning of Spicity 3.3.2 Density Ratio Inferred from the Density-Spicity Diagram 3.3.3 The σ-π Plane as a Metric Space 3.4 Isopycnal Analysis 3.4.1 The Lagrangian Coordinate 3.4.2 Isopycnal Analysis in the Eulerian Coordinate References 4 Heaving Modes in the World Oceans 4.1 Heaving Induced by Wind Stress Anomaly 4.1.1 Introduction 4.1.2 A Two-Hemisphere Model Ocean 4.1.3 A Southern Hemisphere Model Ocean 4.1.4 Adiabatic MOCs of me World Oceans with Rectangular Basins 4.1.5 MOC/MHF Simulated by a RGM in me World Oceans 4.2 Heaving Induced by Anomalous freshwater Forcing 4.2.1 Introduction 4.2.2 Model Set Up 4.2.3 Results from Numerical Experiments 4.2.4 Experiment for 40 Years Continuing Freshening of the Ocean 4.3 Heaving Induced by Anomalous Wind, Freshening and Warming 4.3.1 Introduction 4.3.2 A Simple Generalized Reduced Gravity Model 4.3.3 Numerical Experiments Based on This Reduced Gravity Model 4.4 Heaving Induced by Convecnon Generated Reduced Gravity Anomaly 4.4.1 Introduction 4.4.2 Model Set Up 4.4.3 Results from Numencal Experiments 4.4.4 Numerical Experiments with Sinusoidal Reduced Gravity Perturbations 4.5 Heaving Induced by Deep Convection Generated Volume Loss 4.5.1 Introduction 4.5.2 Model Formulation 4.5.3 Results of Numerical Experiments 4.6 ENSO Events and Heaving Modes 4.6.1 Introduction 4.6.2 Variability of Heat Content and Horizontal Heat Fluxes Due to ENSO Diagnosed from the GODAS Data 4.6.3 Meridional Heat Flux 4.6.4 Zonal Heat Flux 4.6.5 Vertical Heat Flux 4.6.6 A Two-Hemisphere Model Ocean Simulating ENSO References 5 HeaVing Signals in the Isopycnal Coordinate 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Casting Method 5.2.1 FDC 5.2.2 MDC 5.2.3 Separating the Signals Into External and Internal Modes 5.2.4 Statistics in the Density Space 5.2.5 External Signals in Terms of Layer Thickness 5.3 Projecting Method 5.4 Difference Between the Casting Method |
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