内容推荐 《书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(百科类)1级·日本》是书虫百科一级中的一本,属于历史文化介绍类话题,适合中国初一、初二的学生或同等英语水平的英语学习者阅读。这本读物介绍了日本这个国家,包括总体印象、历史概况、生活习俗、著名景点及食物等等。书稿由英文正文、词汇表、练习题和(中文)参考译文组成。对中国学生了解日本文化有所帮助。 目录 《》 1 Why are animals in danger? 2 The effect of humans 3 Animals matter 4 On land 5 In the water 6 In the sky 7 What can countries do? 8 What can we do? 9 What can zoos do? 10 ‘New'animals GLOSSARY ACTIVITIES: Before Reading ACTIVITIEs: While Reading ACTVITIES: After Reading TRANSLATION 参考译文 《威廉和凯特》 1 The big day begins 2 Two families 3 A young prince 4 Kate's early years 5 St Andrews 6 Together-and after 7 Together again 8 The engagement 9 Getting ready 10 The wedding 11 And after GLOSSARY ACTIVITIEs: Before Reading ACTIVITIES: While Reading ACTVITIES: After Reading TRANSLATION 参考译文 《纽约》 《旧金山》 《“泰坦尼克”克》 《巴西》 《好莱坞》 《日本》 《约翰·列侬》 《伦敦》 |