内容推荐 本书作者兰詹·高希与希利斯·米勒,一位是印度北孟加拉大学的英文教授,一位是美国当代著名文论家和比较文学家。书的正文分为五大部分,每一部分都包含两个章节,由两位作者围绕同一话题以对话形式分别展开论述。二人就文学的本质及重要性、诗歌、世界文学、文学教学、文学伦理等话题分别阐述观点,对全球化浪潮中文学的现状与未来进行深入探讨,为文学阅读和教学提供了可供借鉴的操作范式。 目录 Preface Acknowledgments Acknowledgments Introduction: Thinking across Continents Introduction Continued: The Idiosyncrasy of the Literary Text PART I The Matter and Mattering of Literature Chapter 1. Making Sahitya Matter Chapter 2. Literature Matters Today PART II: Poem and Poetry Chapter 3. The Story of a Poem Chapter 4. Western Theories of Poetry: Reading Wallace Stevens's "The Motive for Metaphor" PART III: Literature and the World Chapter 5. More Than Global Chapter 6. Globalization and World Literature PART IV: Teaching Literature Chapter 7. Reinventing the Teaching Machine: Looking for a Text in an Indian Classroom Chapter 8. Should We Read or Teach Literature Now? PART V: Ethics and Literature Chapter 9. The Ethics of Reading Sahitya Chapter 10. Literature and Ethics: Truth and Lie in Framley Parsonage Epilogue Notes Bibliography Index |