作者简介 廖运刚,四川宜宾人。文学博士(2012,北京大学),四川大学外国语学院副教授,英国牛津大学英文系访问学者(2015—2016)。主要研究兴趣是英国文艺复兴时期文学。 目录 序言 PREFACE Introduction 1 Shakespearian and Jonsonian Comedy I. A general view of Shakespearian and Jonsonian comedy II. Shakespeare and Jonson in dramatic context III. Shakespeare and Jonson in historical context IV. The "rub" of generalization 2 The Theme of Avarice I. Definition of avarice II. Praise and prosecution of avarice III. Historical background of avarice 3 Jonson's and Shakespeare's Dramatic Didacticism I. Introduction II. Jonson's didacticism IH. Shakespeare's didacticism 4 Characterization in Volpone and The Merchant of Venice I. Humors and character types II. The fortune hunters III. The facilitators IV. The villains of passions Conclusion Works Cited 内容推荐 历史一度认为,莎翁喜剧流畅、浪漫、祥和、喜闻乐见、重娱乐而轻教化,琼生喜剧则呆板、阴冷、讥讽、书卷气重、重教化而轻娱乐。直至近百年来,此类对立观点才开始改变。 本书从贪婪主题、教化意图、人物塑造三点比较了莎翁的《威尼斯商人》和琼生的《老狐狸》,认为上述传统观点过于简略,未能充分反映剧作家的喜剧全貌。 本书的结论是,两人的技巧、意图可能极似。二者确有不同,但并非以往过简、过略的观点所能描述。 |