persuasion UK [pə'sweɪ.ʒən] US [pɚ-] noun CHANGING IDEAS 改变主意 uncountable ■the action of persuading someone or of being persuaded 说服•It took a lot of persuasion to convince the committee of the advantages of the new scheme.让委员会相信新计划的种种好处要费尽许多唇舌。 •She will help you - she just needs a bit of gentle persuasion.她会帮你的——只是须要稍微劝劝她。 •The occasion will be a test of the senator's powers of persuasion (= his ability to persuade people).这是考验参议员说服力的时候了。
UK [pə'sweɪ.ʒən] US [pɚ-] noun BELIEFS 信念 countable ■a particular set of beliefs, especially religious (尤指宗教上的)信仰,信念•We need a society which welcomes people of all religious persuasions.我们需要一个可包容一切宗教信仰的社会。 |