内容推荐 列维的这部著述主要是基于文学翻译问题的理论探讨,但其框架和基础却是调和翻译研究中“二元对立”观念的尝试。其中既有将译作视为文学文本的分析,又有符号学和功能学派的语言学理论作为理据;既考量文本存在的历史语境及其一般特征,又关注文本内部的结构与自足的文体特点;既谈文学、美学的有关问题,又不离开翻译的讨论核心;既有充分的理论借鉴,又始终立足于具体的文学翻译实例。书中所举例证,并非在向读者展示文学翻译的所谓“规范”,而是作为一种参考和指引,并以讲究均衡与辩证的捷克结构主义作为理论支撑。 全书分为两部分,共十一章。第一部分主要针对文学翻译的一般性问题进行了探讨,包括第一章介绍翻译研究中不同方法存在的问题和局限、研究现状、翻译过程以及戏剧和诗歌翻译的一些主要问题。第二部分主要针对诗歌的诗律以及翻译进行探讨。从篇章的布局可以看出,对诗歌翻译的关注占据了全书的绝大部分。显然,诗歌翻译是列维在书中重点阐述的内容。 目录 Introduction to the second edition (1983) Editor's introduction to the English edition Translator's introduction to the English edition PART I CHAPTER 1 Translation theory: The state of the art 1.1 An overview 1.2 General and specialised theories 1.3 Linguistic methodology 1.4 Literary methodology CHAPTER 2 Translation as a process 2.1 The genesis of a literary work and of its translation 2.2 The three stages of the translator's work 2.2.1 Apprehension 2.2.2 Interpretation 2.2.3 Re-stylisation CHAPTER 3 Translation aesthetics 3.1 Creative production 3.1.1 Translation as an art form 3.1.2 The dual norm in translation 3.1.3 The hybrid nature of translation 3.1.4 The ambivalent relationship with the original literature 3.2 The translator's linguistic and literary creativity 3.2.1 The 'classic' translation 3.2.2 Translation tradition 3.2.3 Linguistic creativity 3.3 Fidelity in reproduction 3.3.1 Translation procedures 3.3.2 Cultural and historical specificity 3.3.3 The whole and its parts CHAPTER 4 On the poetics of translation 4.1 Artistic and 'translation' styles 4.L1 Lexical choices 4.1.2 The idea and its expression 4.2 Translating book titles CHAPTER 5 Drama translation 5.1 Speakability and intelligibility 5.2 Stylisation of theatrical discourse 5.3 Semantic contexts 5.4 Verbal action 5.5 Dialogue and characters 5.6 The principle of selective accuracy CHAPTER 6 Translation in literary studies 6.1 Mapping the history of translation practice 6.2 Translation analysis 6.3 Translation in national cultures and world literature PART II CHAPTER 1 Original verse and translated verse 1.1 Verse and prose 1.2 Rhymed and unrhymed verse 1.3 Semantic density 1.4 The verse of the source and the translator's verse 1.5 The original metre CHAPTER 2 Translating from non-cognate versification systems 2.1 Quantitative verse 2.2 Syllabic verse 2.3 Accentual verse CHAPTER 3 Translating from cognate versification systems 3.1 Rhythm 3.1.1 TWO types of rhythm 3.1.2 Freed verse 3.1.3 The tempo of the dacty 3.1.4 Accentual-syllabic versification 3.2 Rhyme 3.2.1 Rhyming vocabulary 3.2.2 Masculine and feminine rhyme 3.2.3 Rich rhyme 3.2.4 Imperfect and decanonised rhyme Rhyming conventions and language Consonance and assonance Decanonised rhyme 3.3 Euphony CHAPTER 4 Notes on the comparative morphology of verse 4.1 Blank verse 4.2 The alexandrine 4.3 Free verse CHAPTER 5 Integrating style and thought References Index