probation UK [prəʊ'beɪ.ʃən] US [proʊ-] noun uncountable ■a period of time when a criminal must behave well and not commit any more crimes in order to avoid being sent to prison 缓刑•He was fined and given two years' probation.他被处以罚金和两年缓刑。 •The judge put him on probation for two years.法官判他缓刑两年。 •He served a year in prison and was then let out on probation.他在监狱里服了一年刑,然后被处以缓刑。 ■a period of time at the start of a new job when you are watched and tested to see if you are suitable for the job (员工的)试用期•a period of probation试用期 ■US ■a period of time in which a student who has behaved badly must improve their work or behaviour in order to stay in a school (学生的)试读期•Gene's on probation this semester.本学期是吉恩的试读期。 |