内容推荐 本书是对诸如群、向量空间、拓扑空间、度量空间和希尔伯特空间等基本数学结构的导论,这些数学结构是学习相对论、粒子物理学和天体物理学等理论物理的数学基础。作者使用范畴论来强调不同数学结构之间的相互关系与数学的统一性。 目录 1.Introduction 2.Categories 3.The Category of Groups 4.Subgroups 5.Normal Subgroups 6.Homomorphisms 7.Direct Products and Sums of Groups 8.Relations 9.The Category of Vector Spaces 10.Subspaces 11.Linear Mappings; Direct Products and Sums 12.From Real to Complex Vector Spaces and Back 13.Duals 14.Multilinear Mappings; Tensor Products 15.Example: Minkowski Vector Space 16.Example: The Lorentz Group 17.Functors 18.The Category of Associative Algebras 19.The Category of Lie Algebras 20.Example: The Algebra of Observables 21.Example: Fock Vector Space 22.Representations: General Theory 23.Representations on Vector Spaces 24.The Algebraic Categories: Summary 25.Subsets and Mappings 26.Topological Spaces 27.Continuous Mappings 28.The Category of Topological Spaces 29.Nets 30.Compactness 31.The Compact-Open Topology 32.Connectedness 33.Example: Dynamical Systems 34.Homotopy 35.Homology 36.Homology: Relation to Homotopy 37.The Homology Functors 38.Uniform Spaces 39.The Completion of a Uniform Space 40.Topological Groups 41.Topological Vector Spaces 42.Categories: Summary 43.Measure Spaces 44.Constructing Measure Spaces 45.Measurable Functions 46.Integrals 47.Distributions 48.Hilbert Spaces 49.Bounded Operators 50.The Spectrum of a Bounded Operator 51.The Spectral Theorem: Finite-dimensional Case 52.Continuous Functions of a Hermitian Operator 53.Other Functions of a Hermitian Operator 54.The Spectral Theorem 55.Operators (Not Necessarily Bounded) 56.Self-Adjoint Operators Index of Defined Terms |