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书名 | 英译唐诗精选 |
分类 | 文学艺术-文学-中国文学 |
作者 | [英] W.J.B.,弗莱彻 |
出版社 | 中国画报出版社 |
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简介 | 亮点展示 编辑推荐 1.少有的英译佳作。一直以来,西方世界较少有学者对中文诗歌进行全面的翻译及研究,本书的出版意义重大,可视其为将唐诗介绍给英语世界的里程碑式作品。 2.中英双语韵律契合。中文唐诗郎朗上口,英文同样依韵而译,作者母语为英文,在多年英文诗歌的浸润下,找到与中文唐诗充分匹配的英文译法,既符合英文诗歌韵律,又能反映唐诗的本意。 3.影响深远。从中西文化交流以来,虽然对中国文化研究的西方学者众多,但少有对中国古典文学特别是中国诗歌进行深入研究,以及自主翻译的学者,本书可谓是西方学界对中国唐诗进行翻译研究的里程碑式作品。 4.方便阅读的开本及黑白插图,增光添彩。本书选用儿童及成人都方便携带的32开小开本,方便携带及随时阅读。书中唐朝古韵的插画也可以使读者在阅读间隙欣赏。 20世纪久居中国的英国汉学家全面翻译中文唐诗的佳作。 中文诗歌韵律与英文韵语的充分融合。 中英双语对照阅读,尽享唐诗之美。 方便阅读的小开本与古典插画,轻松阅读,梦回唐朝。 作者简介 W.J.B. 弗莱彻(1879—1933), 全名为威廉·约翰·班布里奇·弗莱彻(William John Bainbrigge Fletcher),英国外交官,1908年开始在中国北京、上海和广州工作生活了25年。出于对中国文化的热爱,特别是对中国传统诗歌的浓厚兴趣,弗莱彻退休后并没有返回英国,而是在中山大学留任并致力于中西文化交流直至去世。主要著作为《英译唐诗选集》(1918年)和《英译唐诗选续集》(1919年)。 内容简介 本书为20世纪久居中国的英国外交官、曾任职中山大学的汉学家弗莱彻的著名译作,精选李白、杜甫等30名唐朝诗人的百余首诗歌,以中英对照的模式呈现,穿插古典插画,是一次中国唐诗与英语的美丽邂逅,也是一次中文诗歌韵律与英文韵语的充分融合。 目录 PREFACE TO LI PO AND TU FU DEDICATION: TO TATUNG POEMS BY LI PO POEMS BY TU FU POEMS BY VARIOUS AUTHORS 精彩书摘 李白的诗 POEMS BY LI PO GRIEF My lady has rolled up the curtains of pearl, And sits with a frown on her eyebrows apart. Wet traces of tears can be seen as they curl. But who knows for whom is the grief in her heart? 怨 情 李 白 美人卷珠帘, 深坐颦蛾眉。 但见泪痕湿, 不知心恨谁。 TO WUCHANG This moon o’ershines the westward Huang Ho Lou. A Yangtze stream my distant feelings flow. Some thirty times the vernal breezes blew Since longing thoughts to Wuchang city flew. To send you thither—ah! the parting’s pain! Our farewell cups unemptied yet remain. You lake joins on to realms of ancient bliss. Your floating ship that hill hands on to this. Those Hupeh men old friends do not forget, Like Hsieh–chao’s clarity, unblemished yet. And so the gipsy verses I outpoured, I send to echo round the festive board. 送储邕之武昌 李 白 黄鹤西楼月,长江万里情。 春风三十度,空忆武昌城。 送尔难为别,衔杯惜未倾。 湖连张乐地,山逐泛舟行。 诺谓楚人重,诗传谢朓清。 沧浪吾有曲,寄入棹歌声。 RETIREMENT (An Ode to Meng Hoa-jan) Here rich and noble quit this world’s despite, As green hills visit at the temple door. The Golden Rule marks out the Path of Light; Dull Plegethon the Jade Raft floats us o’er. This range’s trees knit up a flying bridge. Each cavern’s flowers the valley’s streamlets hide. The sea-born Moon mounts up the Pagod’s ridge. Yon Tower outsoars the river’s mist-belt wide. From triple heavens fragrant airs descend. The bell re-echoes through a myriad dales. With Autumn dew the waterlilies bend. The moon just full the tangling pine half veils. Lo! Gathering birds that hear the Word rejoice; And snakes still-curled, as guarding thoughts sublime. Ah! That I were the leaping torrent’s voice With Po-ya’s chords in harmony to chime! 春日归山 寄孟浩然 李 白 朱绂遗尘境,青山谒梵筵。 金绳开觉路,宝筏度迷川。 岭树攒飞栱,岩花覆谷泉。 塔形标海月,楼势出江烟。 香气三天下,钟声万壑连。 荷秋珠已满,松密盖初圆。 鸟聚疑闻法,龙参若护禅。 愧非流水韵,叨入伯牙弦。 前言/序言 W.J.B. 弗莱彻(1879—1933)全名威廉·约翰·班布里奇·弗莱彻,他是一位英国外交官,从1908 年开始他在中国北京、上海和广州工作并生活了25 载。出于对中国文化的热爱,特别是对中国传统诗歌的浓厚兴趣,弗莱彻退休后并没有返回英国,而是在中山大学留任并致力于中西文化交流直至去世。1918 年,弗莱彻出版了《英译唐诗选集》,一部包含181 首唐诗的英文选集,其中有36 首李白的作品,45 首杜甫的作品和其他56 位唐朝诗人的100 首作品。一年之后,《英译唐诗选续集》出版,其包含了李白的17 首作品,杜甫的30首作品和其他28 位唐朝诗人的58首作品。这两本书显而易见地表达了译者对李白和杜甫——这两位唐朝著名诗人的偏爱。在这两本书出版之前,李白已得到西方世界的些许关注,然而很少有人了解杜甫。因而,弗莱彻将这两位诗人平等对待的态度对于中国诗歌的翻译与外传具有开创性贡献。最早的唐诗英译版本可追溯至19世纪早期。然而,之后的100年里,西方世界只偶尔出现关于中国文学研究的只言片语,没有一本专门研究中国文学瑰宝的作品出现。从这个意义来说,弗莱彻于 1918 年和1919 年出版的这两部作品意义重大,应视其为将唐诗介绍给英语世界的里程碑。为保留诗歌翻译的特点和韵律,弗莱彻在英译唐诗时采取了相应策略。同时,他把可读性考虑在内,将大众作为目标读者。为了说明他的翻译中的显著特点,我们来看一下这首杜甫的《秋兴八首·其一》的翻译: Before the Autumn’s pearling dew the maple woods decay, O’er Magic Hill and Wizard Gorge broods desolation’s sway. The billows of the river leap to touch the boiling sky, The stormclouds driven o’er the Pass o’er Earth as shadows fly. The asters twice have opened a fresh year’s tears to view, The lone boat once tied up acquires old longings ever new. All round, their winter clothes to make, the rule and scissors ply, Till sunset thuds the busy block o’er Po-ti’s towers high. (原诗: 玉露凋伤枫树林,巫山巫峡气萧森。 江间波浪兼天涌,塞上风云接地阴。 丛菊两开他日泪,孤舟一系故园心。 寒衣处处催刀尺,白帝城高急暮砧。) 为忠于中文原诗,英语译文由八个押尾韵的短长格组成,押韵的格式是aabbccdd,即所谓的对联韵律,这在英语诗歌中很常见。 弗莱彻生活在一个中国正遭受国内冲突和外国侵略的时代。在这种背景下,我们应赞赏他对唐诗,尤其是对中国文化的尊重和崇敬,其最显著的表现是在《英译唐诗选续集》的“题词:致大唐”中: My heart had never Venus thrilled, My breast had passion never filled, Mine art perchance had never brought To thee these Gems of ancient thought. Then strung on sweet affection’s string These Gems about thy neck I fling. For they upon thy breast will shine With twice the beauty that is mine. (译文: 我的心从未如此激动, 我的胸膛从未如此充满激情, 我知晓的艺术或许从来没有带来 这些你的古代思想的精华。 然后串在甜美的绳上, 装点着我所倚靠的你的脖颈。 它们在你的胸前闪耀, 它们比我所知晓的艺术美丽双倍。) 弗莱彻的唐诗译文简洁、直率、典雅,虽已历经百年,但仍具有 不可抗拒的魅力。这对于今天向世界其他地区介绍中国的文学及文化 仍具有指导和参考价值。 顾钧 2018年9月30日 (北京外国语大学教授,国际中国文化研究院副院长) W.J.B. Fletcher (1879-1933), whose full name is William John Bainbridge Fletcher, was a British diplomat, who had worked and lived in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou successively for 25 years since 1908. Due to his love for Chinese culture, especially traditional Chinese poetry, Fletcher did not return to England after retirement. Instead, he taught at Sun Yat-Sen University as a professor and engaged in cultural exchanges between China and the West till his death. In 1918, Fletcher published Gems of Chinese Verse, an English anthology of 181 Tang poems, including 36 of Li Bai, 45 of Du Fu and 100 of other 56 poets. One year later, More Gems of Chinese Poetry was made public, which contains 17 pieces of Li Bai, 30 of Du Fu and 58 of other 28 Tang poets. The two works demonstrate quite clearly the translator’s preference for Li Bai and Du Fu, two foremost poets of the Tang Dynasty. Before the Gems and More Gems, Li Bai had received some attention in the West while little was known about Du Fu. Fletcher’s equal treatment of them, therefore, is a groundbreaking contribution to the translation of Chinese poetry. The first English translation of Tang poetry dates back to the early nineteenth century. Ever since then, however, 100 years had witnessed only scattered pieces coming out from time to time, without a single volume devoted to the gems of Chinese literature. In this sense, Fletcher’s two anthologies of 1918 and 1919 are so significant that they should be rightly regarded as a milestone in the introduction of Tang poetry to the English-speaking world. Fletcher adopts the strategy of verse for verse translation and rhyming. At the same time he makes much account of readability, taking the general public as the target reader. To illustrate the notable features of his translation, let us look at the “Ode to Autumn, No. 1” by Du Fu: Before the Autumn’s pearling dew the maple woods decay, O’er Magic Hill and Wizard Gorge broods desolation’s sway. The billows of the river leap to touch the boiling sky, The stormclouds driven o’er the Pass o’er Earth as shadows fly. The asters twice have opened a fresh year’s tears to view, The lone boat once tied up acquires old longings ever new. All round, their winter clothes to make, the rule and scissors ply, Till sunset thuds the busy block o’er Po-ti’s towers high. True to the original Chinese version, the translation is made up of eight iambic lines with end rhymes. The rhyming format is aabbccdd, the so called couplet rhyme, which is quite common in English poetry. Fletcher lived in an era when China was subjected to domestic strife and foreign aggression. Against this backdrop we could have nothing but praise for his respect and reverence for Tang poetry in particular and Chinese culture in general, which is best indicated by the “Dedication” of More Gems of Chinese Poetry —“To Tatung”: My heart had never Venus thrilled, My breast had passion never filled, Mine art perchance had never brought To thee these Gems of ancient thought. Then strung on sweet affection’s string These Gems about thy neck I fling. For they upon thy breast will shine With twice the beauty that is mine. Concise, straightforward and elegant, Fletcher’s translation of Tang poetry still boasts an irresistible charm despite the passage of 100 years. It remains a valuable guide and reference for introducing Chinese literature and culture to the rest of the world today. Gu Jun September 30, 2018 (Professor of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Vice president of International Institute of Chinese Studies, BFSU) |
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