Laboratory Study on TiB2一based Ceramic Cathode for Aluminium Reduction Cell
Research Progress in TiB.Wettable Cathode for Aluminum Reduction
Cup-shaped Functionally Gradient NiFe2 Oj—based Cermet Inert Anodes for Aluminum Reduction
Alumina Solubility in Na3A1F6一K3A1F6一A1F3 Molten Salt System Prospective for Aluminum Electrolysis at Lower Temperature
Further Research of“Cup-shaped”NiFe204 Based Cermet Inert Anodes for Aluminum Electrolysis
Effect of An Alumina Layer at the Electrolyte/Aluminum Interface A Laboratory Study
Inhibition of Anode Effect in Aluminum Electrolysis Process by Anode Dopants A Laboratory Study
Bath Temperature Model for Point-feeding Aluminium Reduction Cells
An Improved Finite Element Model for Electro—magnetic Analysis in Aluminum Cells
Oxygen Overvoltage on Sn02-based Anodes in NaF-A1F3-A1203 Melts Electrocatalytic Effects of Doping Agents
Progress in Studies of Electrocatalysts and Doped Carbon Anodes in Aluminium Electrolysis Ceils
On the Electrocatalysis of Doped Carbon Anodes in Aluminum Electrolysis
Electrocatalysis of the Carbon Anode in Aluminium Electrolysis
A Novel Porous Pb—Ag Anode for Energy—saving in Zinc Electrowinning Part I Preparation and Property Tests in Laboratory
A Novel Porous Pb—Ag Anode for Energy—saving in Zinc Electrowinning Part II Preparation and Pilot Plant Tests of Large Size Anode
Oxygen Evolution and Corrosion Behaviors of Co—deposited Pb/Pb—Mn02 Composite Anode for Electrowinning of Nonferrous Metals
Electrochemical Performance of A Pb/Pb-Mn02 Composite Anode in Sulfuric Acid Solution Containing Mn
Electrochemical Behaviors of Co—deposited Pb/Pb—Mn02 Composite Anode in Sulfuric Acid Solution—Tafel and EIS Investigations
Effect of Cooling Modes on Mierostructure and Electrochemical Performance of LiFePO4
Coating of LiNi l/3 Co 1/3 Mn l/3 02 Cathode Materials with Alumina by Solid State Reaction at Room Temperature
Synthesis of Nitrogen—containing Hollow Carbon Microspheres by A Modified Template Method as Anodes for Advanced Sodium-ion Batteries
Confining Selenium in Nitrogen—containing Hierarchical Porous Carbon for High-rate Rechargeable Lithium-selenium Batteries
A Simple SDS—assisted Self-assembly Method for the Synthesis of Hollow Carbon Nanospheres to Encapsulate Sulfur for Advanced Lithium-sulfur Batteries
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Study of A Lithium/Sulfur Battery Modeling and Analysis of Capacity Fading
An Electrochemical—thermal Model Based on Dynamic Responses for Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
Numerical Analysis of Distribution and Evolution of Reaction Current Density in Discharge Process of Lithium-ion Power Battery
Unique Starch Polymer Electrolyte for High Capacity All-solid-state Lithium Sulfur Battery
A Fast Charging/Discharging All—solid-state Lithium Ion Battery Based on PEO-MIL-53(A1)-LiTFSI Thin Film Electrolyte
Effect of Ni.doping on Electrochemical Capacitance of Mn02 Electrode Materials
Preparation and Properties of Pitch Carbon Based Supercapacitor
Cyclic Vohammetry Study of Electrodeposition Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films
In Situ Growth of Cu2 ZnSnS4 Thin Films by Reactive Magnetron Co-sputtering
ElectrodeDosition of Cobalt Selenide Thin Films
Fabrication of Ternary Cu—Sn.S Sulfides by Modi