内容推荐 《研习戏剧》(第三版)直击戏剧的本身,审视了戏剧剧本、从人物角色、自白对话到情节动作,从演员的肢体语言到舞台的设计,最后还涉及影响戏剧的文化和阐释。作者向读者展示了戏剧从文本到演出再到舞台的过程中众多的奥妙所在,运用语言学、认知科学、表演学、空间设计等跨学科知识,引领他们从基础的角度入手研究、学习戏剧。 目录 Acknowledgements Chapter 1 Getting started Reading the play Stage directions Chapter 2 Characters and persons Expectations about character Three aspects of dramatic character Mapping characters Developing the aspects of dramatic character Character articulation Further aspects of dramatic character Character at work Chapter 3 Diatogue The workings of dialogue The workings of conversation Speech acts The stylistics of theatrical prose and verse Dialogue, speaking position and the choices of reading Chapter4 Plot and action Plot, action and situation Modelling action Story, plot and narration Character and scenes Chapter 5 The actor's body Stage directions Limits and margins Chapter 6 Spaces Space and A Doll's House A systematic approach to space Models and maps of theatrical space Chapter 7 Cutture and interpretation Writers Location Performers Audiences Interpretation Glossary Bibliography Index |