内容推荐 瞿同祖著的《中国法律与中国社会》是《中国法律与中国社会》的英文本,是中国学者运用历史社会学方法研究法律的经典著作。全书共六章,第一章家族,第二章婚姻,第三章社会阶层,第四章神祈与法,第五章儒学和法学。是瞿同祖先生在20世纪五六十年代在美国哥伦比亚大学、东亚研究所任讲座教授时的讲稿,后集结而成。 目录 Foreword Preface Introduction Ⅰ. Family and rsu 1. Scope of Family and Tsu 2. Father's Authority 3. Criminal Law and Familism Injury and Homicide Illicit Intercourse Theft Concealment Juniors to be Punished as Substitutes Postponement of Punishment and Pardon 4. Blood Revenge 5. Administrative Law and Familism Ⅱ. Marriage 1. Meaning of Marriage 2. Prohibitions Endogamy Relatives of Different Surnames Marriage with the Wife or Concubine of a Kinsman 3. The Role of Seniors in Arranging a Marriage 4. The Position of the Wife 5. Relations with Members of the Husband's Family 6. Divorce The Seven Conditions I chiieh 7. Concubinage Ⅲ. Social Classes 1. The Style of Life Food Clothing and Ornament Houses Carriages 2. Marriage Class Endogamy Wedding Ceremonies 3. Funerals 4. Ancestor Worship Ⅳ. Social Classes (continued) 1. The Law of the Feudal Nobles 2. The Legal Privileges Nobles and Officials Family Members of Nobles and Officials 3. Inequalities between the Free and the Mean Common People and Slaves Masters and Slaves 4. Inequalities between Races Ⅴ. Magic and Law 1. Ordeal 2. Supernatural Recompense 3. Taboo in Punishment 4. Black Magic Ⅵ. The Confucian School and the Legal School 1. Li Versus Law Li and the Confucianists Law and the Legalists 2. Virtue and Punishment 3. The Confucianization of Law Conclusion Bibliography Chinese and Japanese Sources I. General Works II. Works on Law A. Codes and Commentaries B. History of Law and Administration of Justice C. Interpretations D. Studies E. Miscellaneous Western Sources Ⅰ. General Works Ⅱ. Works on Law A. Translations of Codes B. Studies Index