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目录 正文
内容推荐 The guideline is comprised of 7 chapters and 3 annexes, mainly including material selection, structural design, safety monitoring, construction method and quality control for cemented material dams.The main contents are as follows:—— Raw materials;—— Propertiesof dam materials;—— Dam design;—— Dam construction;—— Quality control and inspection.本导则主要规定了胶结颗粒料筑坝的材料选择、结构设计、安全监测、施工方式以及质量控制等内容,共有 7 章25节和 3个附录。主要包括以下内容:——原材料 ——坝体材料性能 ——大坝设计 ——大坝施工 ——大坝质量控制与检测。 |