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书名 英语童话小故事课后读(6年级英语课程标准AR听读版)/小学英语无障碍学习丛书
作者 时秀梅//魏立
出版社 大连出版社
1. Little Snow-White(白雪公主)
2. Thumbelina(拇指姑娘)
3. The Three Brothers(三兄弟)
4. The Devil and His Grandmother(魔鬼和他的祖母)
5. The Lazy Spinner(懒惰的纺纱妇)
6. The Four Skillful Brothers(本领高强的四兄弟)
7. The Six Servants(六个仆人)
8. The Twelve Idle Servants(十二个懒仆人)
9. The Little Mermaid 1(海的女儿1)
10. The Little Mermaid 2(海的女儿2)
11. The Emperor’s New Clothes 1(皇帝的新装1)
12. The Emperor’s New Clothes 2(皇帝的新装2)
13. Snow-White and Rose-Red(白雪和红玫瑰)
14. The Hut in the Forest(林中小屋)
15. Cinderella(灰姑娘)
16. Strong Hans(壮士汉斯)
17. The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf(踩着面包走的姑娘)
18. The Willow-Wren(篱笆国王)
19. The Three Little Men in the Woods(森林里的三个小矮人)
20. The Valiant Little Tailor(勇敢的小裁缝)
21. Hansel and Gretel(汉塞尔和格蕾特)
22. The Three Languages(三种语言)
23. Children’s Prattle(孩子们的闲话)
24. The Farm-Yard Cock and the Weather-Cock(家养公鸡和风信公鸡)
25. Godfather Death(死神教父)
26. The Riddle(谜语)
27. Brother Lustig(勒斯蒂格老兄)
28. The Poor Man and the Rich Man(穷人和富人)
29. The Devil’s Sooty Brother(魔鬼的邋遢兄弟)
30. Tales of the Paddock(蛤蟆的故事)
31. A Leaf from Heaven(天上落下来的一片叶子)
32. Delaying Is Not Forgetting(藏着并不等于遗忘)
33. The Angel(安琪儿)
34. The Golden Bird(金鸟)
35. How Six Men Got On in the World(六个好汉闯遍天下)
36. The King of the Golden Mountain(金山王)
37. The Last Pearl(最后的珠子)
38. The Tinder-Box 1(打火匣1)
39. The Tinder-Box 2(打火匣2)
40. The Wicked Prince(恶毒的王子)
41. The Three Sons of Fortune(三个幸运儿)
42. The Clever Grethel(聪明的格雷特)
43. The Gold-Children(金童)
44. The Poor Miller’s Boy and the Cat(可怜的磨坊学徒和猫)
45. The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn(背包、帽子和喇叭)
46. Sweetheart Roland(情人罗兰)
47. The Moon(月亮)
48. The Duration of Life(寿命)
49. Death’s Messengers(死神的使者)
50. The Three Snake-Leaves(三片蛇叶)




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