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书名 | 国际贸易理论与实务(英文版第4版本科全国高等院校经管专业双语教材全国高等院校商务英语专业规划教材) |
分类 | 经济金融-经济-贸易 |
作者 | 张素芳 |
出版社 | 对外经济贸易大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 张素芳编著的教材《国际贸易理论与实务(英文版第4版)》共分18章,大致分为两大部分:第一部分为国际贸易理论与政策,第二部分为国际贸易实务。 本教材适合国际经济与贸易专业、金融学专业及国际经济学专业的本科生,以及具有大学英语四级水平和微观经济学基本知识,从事或准备从事国际经济贸易工作的读者使用。 目录 Section I International Trade Theory and Policy CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL TRADE §1 The Reasons for International Trade 1. Resources reasons 2. Economic reasons 3. Other reasons §2 The Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade 1. More plex context 2. More difficult and risky 3. Higher skills required §3 Basic Concepts Concerning International Trade 1. Visible trade and invisible trade 2. International trade value and international trade volume 3. Favorable balance of trade and unfavorable balance of trade 4. General trade system and special trade system 5. Commodity position of international trade 6. Geographical position of international trade 7. Ratio of merchandise trade to GDP 8. Trade in value-added CHAPTER 2 CLASSICAL TRADE THEORIES §1 Mercantilism 1. The development of mercantilist thought 2. The mercantilist economic system 3. Economic policies pursued by the mercantilists 4. Discussions §2 David Hume’s Challenge to Mercantilism 1. Assumptions of price-specie-flow mechanism 2. The price-specie-flow mechanism §3 Adam Smith’s Theory of Absolute Advantage 1. Assumptions of Adam Smith’s theory of absolute advantage 2. Challenge to Mercantilism 3. Example §4 David Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative Advantage 1. The concept of parative advantage 2. Example 3. Analysis of the theory of parative advantage by using modern tools CHAPTER 3 NEOCLASSICAL TRADE THEORIES §1 Gains from Trade in Neoclassical Trade Theory 1. Increasing opportunity costs on the PPF 2. General equilibrium and gains in autarky 3. General equilibrium and gains after the introduction of international trade §2 Reciprocal Demand Theory 1. A country’s offer curve 2. Trading equilibrium 3. Measurement of terms of trade §3 Factor Endowment Theory 1. Factor intensity in production 2. Factor endowments, factor prices, and parative advantage 3. Assumptions of the factor proportions theory 4. The Heckscher-Ohlin theorem 5. An example to illustrate H-O theorem 6. The factor price equalization theorem 7. The Stolper-Samuelson theorem §4 The Leontief Paradox—An Empirical Test of the Factor Proportions Theory 1. The Leontief paradox 2. Suggested explanations for the Leontief Paradox and related theories CHAPTER 4 POST-HECKSHER-OHLIN THEORIES OF TRADE §1 The Product Cycle Theory 1. The imitation lag hypothesis 2. The product cycle theory §2 The Linder Theory 1. Assumptions of the Linder theory 2. Trade es in the overlapping ranges of product sophistication §3 Intra-Industry Trade Theory …… CHAPTER 5 IMPORT PROTECTION POLICY: TARIFFS CHAPTER 6 IMPORT PROTECTION POLICY: NON-TARIFF BARRIERS CHAPTER 7 EXPORT PROMOTION AND OTHER POLICIES CHAPTER 8 ARGUMENTS AGAINST FREE TRADE CHAPTER 9 REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION CHAPTER 10 GATT and WTO Section II International Trade Practice CHAPTER 11 INTERNATIONAL TRADE TERMS CHAPTER 12 QUALITY, QUANTITY, PACKING AND PRICING CHAPTER 13 INTERNATIONAL CARGO TRANSPORTATION CHAPTER 14 INTERNATIONAL MARINE CARGO INSURANCE CHAPTER 15 INTERNATIONAL PAYMENT CHAPTER 16 INSPECTION, CLAIM, FORCE MAJEURE AND ARBITRATION CHAPTER 17 NEGOTIATION AND FORMATION OF CONTRACT CHAPTER 18 IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL SALES CONTRACT REFERENCES |
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