内容推荐 《经济管理前沿(第5卷)(英文版)》由吉林大学商学院主办,由刘金全主编,主要刊登国内外相关领域知名学者的特约稿件,以及国内外高级别学术会议优秀论文。本集刊立足于学术前沿问题研究,主要刊登与经济和管理专业研究相关的稿源,坚持理论研究和实践研究相结合、定量分析和定性分析相结合,关注我国社会、经济等领域的重大学科前沿问题,刊登结合中国现实问题进行深入分析、阐述和研究的高水平研究成果,以加强国内外交流,促进学术繁荣,提供学术理论与应用研究平台,为我国经济建设和现代化建设服务。并且本刊有利于国内外学者第一时间了解最新学术前沿动态。 目录 The Distortion Effect of China's Urbanization Development on Urban and Rural Residents' Consumption An Empirical Research on New Generation of Migrant Workers' Entrepreneurial Cognition and Entrepreneurial Decision: The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Intention Natural Resources and Regional Economic Development in China Study on the Binary Option Pricing Formula with Regime-Switching Exploring Factors Affecting Expenditures on Media Regulation of Executive Compensation of SOEs: Empirical Evidence from China Stock Market A Psychographic Study of the Formation Mechanism of Green Purchase Intention among Chinese Consumers A Study on the Models of Monetary Policy in China The Economic Growth Model Based on Entrepreneurship Capital Financial Vulnerability, Inflation and Economic Development in China Studies on the Pattern of Short-Term Fluctuations in China's Business Cycles The Moderating Role of Perceptions of Organizational Politics on the Relationship between Paternalistic Leadership and Employee Silence