内容推荐 环簇构成了现代代数几何中优美且易于理解的一部分。戴维·A·考克斯、约翰·B·利特、亨利·K·申克著的《环簇(英文版)(精)》涵盖了环几何中的标准主题,一个显著特色是前九章的每一章都包含了导引,用于交待代数几何中必要的背景知识。本书涵盖的其他主题包括商构造、消逝定理、等变上同调、GIT商、次要扇及针对环簇的极小模型纲领。环簇有丰富的例子,这反映在书中的134幅插图中。本书同样探究了交换代数与多面体几何的联系,讨论了多胞体及其无界的孪生体——多面体。书后有两个附录,分别介绍了环簇的历史和用以考察环几何中非平凡例子的计算工具。 本书读者应熟悉研究生基础课程所涉及的代数和拓扑知识,以及程度略低一点的复分析知识。此外,作者假定读者具备一定程度的高年级本科生水平的代数几何知识。本书对于对代数几何、多面体几何和环簇感兴趣的研究生和研究人员是一本极佳的参考书。 目录 Preface Notation Part I. Basic Theory of Toric Varieties Chapter 1. Affine Toric Varieties 1.0. Background: Affine Varieties 1.1. Introduction to Affine Toric Varieties 1.2. Cones and Affine Toric Varieties 1.3. Properties ofAffine Toric Varieties Appendix: Tensor Products of Coordinate Rings Chapter 2. Projective Toric Varieties 2.0. Background: Projective Varieties 2.1. Lattice Points and Projective Toric Varieties 2.2. Lattice Points and Polytopes 2.3. Polytopes and Projective Toric Varieties 2.4. Properties of Projective Toric Varieties Chapter 3. Normal Toric Varieties 3.0. Background: Abstract Varieties 3.1. Fans and Normal Toric Varieties 3.2. The Orbit-Cone Correspondence 3.3. Toric Morphisms 3.4. Complete and Proper Appendix: Nonnormal Toric Varieties Chapter 4. Divisors on Toric Varieties 4.0. Background: Valuations, Divisors and Sheaves 4.1. Weil Divisors on Toric Varieties 4.2. Cartier Divisors on Toric Varieties 4.3. The Sheaf of a Torus-Invariant Divisor Chapter 5. Homogeneous Coordinates on Toric Varieties 5.0. Background: Quotients in Algebraic Geometry 5.1. Quotient Constructions of Toric Varieties 5.2. The Total Coordinate Ring 5.3. Sheaves on Toric Varieties 5.4. Homogenization and Polytopes Chapter 6. Line Bundles on Toric Varieties 6.0. Background: Sheaves and Line Bundles 6.1. Ample and Basepoint Free Divisors on Complete Toric Varieties 6.2. Polytopes and Projective Toric Varieties 6.3. TheNefandMori Cones 6.4. The Simplicial Case Appendix: Quasicoherent Sheaves on Toric Varieties Chapter 7. Projective Toric Morphisms 7.0. Background: Quasiprojective Varieties and Projective Morphisms 7.1. Polyhedra and Torie Varieties 7.2. Projective Morphisms and Toric Varieties 7.3. Projective Bundles and Toric Varieties Appendix: More on Projective Morphisms Chapter 8. The Canonical Divisor of a Toric Variety 8.0. Background: Reflexive Sheaves and Differential Forms 8.1. One-Forms on Toric Varieties 8.2. Differential Forms on Toric Varieties 8.3. Fano Toric Varieties Chapter 9. Sheaf Cohomology of Toric Varieties 9.0. Background: SheafCohomology 9.1. Cohomology of Toric Divisors 9.2. Vanishing Theorems I 9.3. Vanishing Theorems II 9.4. Lattice Polytopes and Differential Forms 9.5. Local Cohomology and the Total Coordinate Ring Part II. Topics in Toric Geometry Chapter 10. Toric Surfaces 10.1. Singularities of Toric Surfaces and Their Resolutions 10.2. Continued Fractions and Toric Surfaces 10.3. Grobner Fans and MCKay Correspondences 10.4. Smooth Toric Surfaces 10.5. Riemann-Roch and Lattice Polygons Chapter 11. Toric Resolutions and Toric Singularities 11.1. Resolution of Singularities 11.2. Other Types of Resolutions 11.3. Rees Algebras and Multiplier Ideals 11.4. Toric Singularities Chapter 12. The Topology of Toric Varieties 12.1. The Fundamental Group 12.2. The Moment Map 12.3. Singular Cohomology of Toric Varieties 12.4. The Cohomology Ring 12.5. The Chow Ring and Intersection Cohomology Chapter 13. Toric Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch 13.1. Chern Characters, Todd Classes, and HRR 13.2. Brion's Equalities 13.3. Toric Equivariant Riemann-Roch 13.4. The Volume Polynomial 13.5. The Khovanskii-Pukhlikov Theorem Appendix: Generalized Gysin Maps Chapter 14. Toric GIT and the Secondary Fan 14.1. Introduction to Toric GIT 14.2. Toric GIT and Polyhedra 14.3. Toric GIT and Gale Duality 14.4. The Secondary Fan Chapter 15. Geometry of the Secondary Fan 15.1. The Nef and Moving Cones 15.2. Gale Duality and Triangulations 15.3. Crossing a Wall