内容推荐 2017年11月17日,经中国石油集团经济技术研究院倡议,并与印中经济文化促进会(ICEC)联合举办的首届“文明古国能源合作智库论坛”在北京成功举行,李建青、刘朝全主编的《文明古国能源合作智库论坛集萃(英文版)》为该论坛发言集萃,介绍了中国、印度、伊拉克、伊朗和埃及五个文明古国的经济发展与能源消费、能源发展战略与政策、油气供需形势、油气在能源转型中的作用、油气产业现状、新能源发展,以及五国间的能源合作。本书可为有关部门、企业以及研究机构等了解文明古国的能源行业发展状况及趋势,把握各国能源合作机会提供参考。 目录 Opening Speech Opening Speech by Huang Weihe Opening Speech by Mohammed Saqib Forum Speech China's Energy Strategy and Oil and Gas Markets Economic Development and Energy Consumption in India Cooperation with Foreign Companies in the Petroleum Industry of Iraq Opportunities in Iran's Oil & Gas Egypt's Economic Development and Energy Policies Indian Energy Policies Role and Significance of Oil and Gas in China's Energy Transformation Supply and Demand Situation of Oil and Gas in India International Energy Cooperation from India's Perspective Oil and Gas Cooperation of Chinese Enterprises under the Belt and Road Initiative Oil Refining and Natural Gas in India Current Situation of Refinery Industry in China and Cooperation Development Prospect Development of New and Renewable Energy in India Current Status and Trend of China's New Energy Development "