内容推荐 《新国标大学英语》是在认真学习即将颁布的《大学英语教学指南》和全国各地大学英语教学改革的经验后,密切结合大学英语教学改革新动向,专门为我国普通高等院校大学生量身定做的一套通用英语系列教程。教学目标主要针对基础级别,兼顾提高级别。与高中新课标和四六级考试无缝对接,使大学生通过快乐、友好的英语学习体验,掌握《指南》规定的基础目标和提高目标语言技能,提高跨文化交际能力和批判性思维能力。 张莱湘主编的《新国标大学英语读写译(附光盘4)》所选素材和话题密切结合学生学习和生活实际,以大学校园生活为核心,主题包括职业规划、跳槽、财务管理、环境保护、网络与生活等。 目录 Unit 1 Career planning 1 Start-up 2 Reading Text A How can universities prepare students for work? Text B How technology is eliminating higher-skill jobs 3 Writing 4 Translation 5 Relaxation Unit 2 Job-hopping 1 Start-up 2 Reading Text A To hop or not to hop? Text B How to decode job adverts: Top tips 3 Writing 4 Translation 5 Relaxation Unit 3 Financial management 1 Start-up 2 Reading Text A Setting off for uni? Here's how to make it on a ~170 budget... Text B It's your money: College students learn to save, too 3 Writing 4 Translation 5 Relaxation Unit 4 Why do we travel? 1 Start-up 2 Reading Text A Why travel makes you awesome Text B Top five reasons to travel after graduation 3 Writing 4 Translation 5 Relaxation Unit 5 Being friendly to environrnent 1 Start-up 2 Reading Text A When food is too good to waste, college kids pick up the scraps Text B Young Chinese play greater role in tackling climate change 3 Writing 4 Translation 5 Relaxation Unit 6 Internet and life 1 Start-up 2 Reading Text A How 25 years of Internet changed daily lives worldwide Text B MOOCs allow for passion-driven lives 3 Writing 4 Translation 5 Relaxation Unit 7 Where do you want to work? 1 Start-up 2 Reading Text A Overseas returnees open baozi shop in Chengdu Text B Cities in China attract graduates 3 Writing 4 Translation 5 Relaxation Unit 8 Are you a nontraditional student? 1 Start-up 2 Reading Text A Today's typical college students often juggle work,children and bills with coursework Text B How college students think they are more special than ever: Study reveals rocketing sense of entitlement on U.S. campuses 3 Writing 4 Translation 5 Relaxation Glossary