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书名 人体解剖彩色图谱(第3版)(精)
分类 科学技术-医学-基础医学
作者 郭光文//王序
出版社 人民卫生出版社
图 Figure
I.运动系统 Locomotor system
1.全身骨骸(前面观)The skeleton. Anterior aspect
2.骨的构造 Structure of the bones
3.骨连结的分类与构造 Classification and structure of the joints
4.脊柱全貌 The vertebral column
5.各部椎骨的形态 Features of the individual vertebrae
6.骶骨和尾骨 The sacrum and coccyx
7.椎骨间的连结(正中矢状断面)Intervertebral joints. Median sagittal section
8.椎骨间的连结(前面观)Intervertebral joints. Anterior aspect
9.椎间盘(上面观)Intervertebral disc. Superior aspect
10.项軔带(侧面观)Ligamentumnuchae. Lateral aspect
11.覆膜和后纵W带(正中矢状断面)Tectorial membrane and posterior
longitudinal ligament. Median sagittal section
12.寰枕及寰枢关节(后面观)The atlantooccipital and atlantoaxial joint. Posterior aspect
13.翼状籾带及齿突尖籾带(后面观)Alar ligament and apical dental ligament. Posterior aspect
14.颈椎X线像(前后位)Anteroposterior radiograph of the cervical vertebral column
15.颈椎X线像(斜位)Oblique radiograph of the cervical vertebral column
16.腰椎X线像(前后位)Anteroposterior radiograph of the lumbar vertebral column
17.腰椎X线像(斜位)Oblique radiograph of the lumbar vertebral column
18.胸廓(前面观)The thorax. Anterior aspect
19.肋骨 The ribs
20.肋椎关节(上面观)The costovertebral joint. Superior aspect
21.肋椎关节(侧面观)The costovertebral joint. Lateral aspect
22.胸骨 The sternum
23.领(前面观)The skull. Anterior aspect
24.新生儿烦(上面观)The skull of a newborn infant. Superior aspect
25.烦(侧面观)The skull. Lateral aspect
26.新生儿烦(侧面观)The skull of a newborn infant. Lateral aspect
27.颜底夕卜面 The external surface of the base of skull
28.领底内面 The internal surface of the base of skull
29.客页骨 The frontal bone
30.枕骨 The occipital bone
31.烦骨冠状切的后面观(示筛小房)Posterior aspect of coronal section of the skull.
Showing the ethmoidal cellules
32.筛骨 The ethmoid bone
33.颞骨(1) The temporal bone (1)
34.颞骨(2) The temporal bone (2)
35.蝶骨(1) The sphenoid bone (1)
36.蝶骨⑵ The sphenoid bone (2)
37.上颌骨 The maxilla
38.月咢骨 The palatine bone
39.舌骨 The hyoid bone
40.下颔骨 The mandible
41.眶(前面观)The orbit. Anterior aspect
42.骨性鼻中隔 The bony nasal septum
43.骨性鼻腔外侧壁 The lateral wall of the bony nasal cavity
44.频的X线像(前后位)Anteroposterior radiograph of the skull
45.烦的X线像(侧位)Lateral radiograph of the skull
46.颠下额关节 The temporomandibular joint
47.锁骨和肩胛骨 The clavicle and scapula
48.眩骨 The humerus
49.烧骨f口尺骨 The radius and ulna
50.手骨 The bones of the hand
51.胸锁关节(前面观)The sternoclavicular joint. Anterior aspect
52.肩关节(前面观)The shoulder joint. Anterior aspect
53.肩关节(冠状切面)The shoulder joint. Coronal section
54.肩关节内面(前外侧观)Interior of the shoulder joint. Anterolateral aspect
55.时关节 The elbow joint
56.手关节(掌面观)The joints of the hand. Palmar aspect
57.腕的韧带(背面观)The ligaments of the wrist. Dorsal aspect
58.腕关节冠状切面(背面观)A coronal section through the joint at the wrist. Dorsal aspect
59.肩关节X线像(前后位)Anteroposterior radiograph of the shoulder joint
60.肘关节X线像(前后位)Anteroposterior radiograph of the elbow joint
61.时关节X线像(侧位)Lateral radiograph of the elbow joint
62.手X线像(前后位)Anteroposterior radiograph of the hand
63.骨宽骨 The hip bone
64.股骨 The femur
65.髌骨 The patella
Ⅱ 消化系统 Digestive system
Ⅲ 呼极系统 Respiratory system
Ⅳ 泌尿生殖系统 Urogenital system
Ⅴ 循环系统 Circulatary system
Ⅵ 神经系统 Nervous system
Ⅶ 感觉器 Sensory organs
Ⅷ 内分泌系统 Endocrine system
Ⅸ 局部解剖 Topography




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