内容推荐 赵磊等著的《新丝路新思路(英文版)》邀请国内外研究“一带一路”的专家学者,从各个主题进行阐释,立足于“新思路”的视角,讲述“一带一路”的故事,讲述全球治理的中国方案和思路,重点展现面对“一带一路”地区的发展,中国政府的新思路,中国企业的新思路,和中国学界的新思路。 目录 The Goal: Mutual Benefit Logic and Charms of the BRI BRI: From Eastern Wisdom to Global Public Product The Eight Dimensions of the BRI Mutual Benefit Sets the Tone for the BRI The practice: Openness and Sharing of Benefit BRI Creates a New Open World BRI Creates New Model of Globalization BRI Offers New Possibilities for Chinese Diplomacy BRI: Treating Pain Spots of Development and Sealing Cultural Heights The Way: Cooperation and Innovation The Silk Road+ Mechanism and Its Significance BRI: An Alliance for Innovation / Technical Innovation Highlights BRI Cooperation Bright Prospects for China-US Cooperation under the BRI Framework BRI and China-US Infrastructure Cooperation in Africa The Call: Inclusiveness and Interconnectivity A Community of Shared Future Gives Impetus to the BRI The BRI Should Showcase Three Distinctive Chinese Elements Bring the BRI to the World Language Capacity and Closer People-to-People Ties Addressing Geopolitical Challenges to the BRI