内容推荐 谢工曲编著的这本《西方文化与艺术鉴赏》以西方社会发展演变的脉络为主线,图文并茂地描述人们的生活场景、城市形态、建筑与艺术风格的发展演变过程及其相互关联性,形成一个描述西方社会及文化艺术的动态影像。本书通过对西方文化艺术的纵向历史发展演变和横向不同观点的阐述分析,使读者初步掌握西方文化艺术的发展过程和纷繁复杂的种种表现,以此激发读者对西方文化艺术的本质与意义的思索。 本书包括古埃及文化、古希腊文化、古罗马文化、基督教文化、中世纪哥特文化、伊斯兰文化、拜占庭文化、文艺复兴、启蒙运动和现代主义等内容,涉及西方文化艺术史上有重大影响的文化发展时期和经济技术发展状况,勾勒出一个较为完整的西方文化艺术坐标体系,许多历史风格的形成与发展在很大程度上是应对时代发展需求的。 本书具有明确的针对性,对学生丰富跨文化体验、了解西方文化与艺术的发展进程很有帮助,可作为英语翻译、旅游、建筑设计、艺术设计、广告设计、包装设计、对外汉语教学等专业学科的专业选修课或公共选修课教材;同时也可为普通读者到欧洲旅游或了解西方文化与艺术提供参考与借鉴作用,为读者获取相关专业知识提供语言素材和专业的英语表达方式。 目录 Chapter One The Ancient Egyptian Culture 1.1 Geographical Environment 1.2 Achievements in Art and Architecture 1.2.1 The Development of Pyramid 1.2.2 Temple 1.2.3 Art Chapter Two Ancient Greek Culture 2.1 Geographical Environment 2.2 Greek City-states 2.3 The Achievements of Greek Culture 2.4 The Achievements in Architecture and Art 2.4.1 Classical Orders 2.4.2 Temple 2.4.3 Theatre 2.5 Art and Sculpture 2.6 The Fall of Greek Culture Chapter Three Ancient Roman Culture 3.1 Geographical Environment 3.2 From Republic to Empire 3.3 Roman Technological Achievements 3.4 Art and Architecture Chapter Four Early Christianity 4.1 Church and Monasticism 4.1.1 Early Christian Architecture and Art (100-500 AD) 4.1.2 Introduction of Monasticism Chapter Five The Early Middle Ages 5.1 The Later Roman Empire 5.2 The Middle Ages (500-1500 AD) 5.3 The Early Middle Ages (500-1000 AD) Pilgrimage 5.4 Romanesque Art and Architecture Chapter Six Islamic Culture 6.1 Muslim Conquest (632-750 AD) 6.2 The Flourish of Islamic Culture 6.2.1 Pilgrimage and Trade 6.2.2 Urbanization 6.3 Muslim Influence in Spain 6.4. Moorish Art and Architecture Chapter Seven Byzantine Culture 7.1 Byzantine Empire (330-1453 AD) 7.2 Byzantine Architeeture and Art 7.3 Other Achievements Chapter Eight The High and Late Middle Ages 8.1 The High Middle Ages (1000-1300 AD) 8.1.1 Pilgrimage (11th-12th Century) 8.1.2 The Crusade 8.1.3 Medieval Towns 8.1.4 Fairs 8.2 Gothic Architecture and Art 8.3 Other Achievements 8.3.1 Education and Learning 8.3.2 Science and Technology 8.4 Late Middle Ages Chapter Nine Renaissance 9.1 Socio-economic Background 9.1.1 Italian Cities 9.1.2 Patronage 9.2 Humanism 9.3 Development of the Renaissance 9.3.1 Why Did Renaissance Start in Florence? 9.3.2 The Renaissance in Rome 9.4 Renaissance Architecture and Art 9.4.1 The Early Renaissance Period in Florence 9.4.2 The High Renaissance Period in Rome 9.4.3 Cities and Dwellings Chapter Ten The Seventeenth Century 10.1 Socio-economic Background The Reformation 10.2 Baroque Architecture and Art 10.3 French Baroque Chapter Eleven The Eighteenth Century 11.1 Socio-economic Background The Enlightenment 11.2 Rococo Art and Architecture Chapter Twelve The Nineteenth Century 12.1 Socio-economic Background 12.2 Architecture and Arts 12.2.1 Neoclassicism 12.2.2 Utilitarian Structures of Iron and Glass Chapter Thirteen The Twentieth Century 13.1 Socio-economie Background 13.2 Architecture and Art 13.2.1 The Arts and Crafts Movement 13.2.2 Art Nouveau 13.2.3 Art Deco 13.2.4 Difference and Similarity of the Art Movements 13.2.5 Modernism References