Ho Ting-nong、Liu Shang-wu编著的《獐牙菜属和近缘属的世界性分类修订(英文版)》介绍了,獐牙菜属及近缘植物中獐牙菜苦苷、龙胆苦苷、芒果苷、齐墩果酸的含量,为资源利用提供依据。獐牙菜属(Swertia)是龙胆科下的一个属,约100种,广布于全球,我国约70余种,南北均产之。一年生或多年生草本。一年生或多年生草本;叶对生;花蓝色或白色,有黄色的腺点,排成密锥花序式或伞房花序式的圆锥花序;萼片4-5深裂,每一裂片的近基部有窝孔或腺体1-2个,窝孔秃裸或一部为一基生的鳞片所覆盖,其周边或顶端具睫毛;雄蕊4-5,着生于花冠的近基部,分离,很少合生成1束;子房1室,柱头2;果为一卵形或长椭圆形的蒴果,成熟时分裂为2果瓣,有种子多数。
1 Inter-generic circumscription of Swertia and allies
1.1 An introduction to the tribe Gentianae
1.2 Key to genera of the tribe Gentianae and subtribe Swertiinae
1.3 Morphological differentiation between the rotate and tubular genera
2 Swertia Linnaeus
2.1 Historical survey
2.2 Generic circumscription in the present work
2.2.1 Frasera
2.2.2 Ophelia
2.2.3 Anagallidium
2.3 Taxonomic traits ofSwertia sensu lato
2.3.1 Gross morphology
2.3.2 Embryology
2.3.3 Chromosomes
2.3.4 Pollen traits
2.3.5 Pollen traits of subgenera and sections
2.3.6 Taxonomic implications of pollen traits
2.4 Distribution and diversification
2.5 Taxonomic treatment
2.5.1 An enumeration of Swertia L.
2.5.2 Key to taxa
2.5.3 A systematic account
2.6 Unknown (uncertain) species
2.7 The names excluded from Swertia L.
3 Sinoswertia T. N. I-Io, S. W. Liu & J. Q. Liu
3.1 Taxonomic treatments
3.2 Reproductive biology
3.3 Embryology
3.4 Systematic position
4 Lomatogoniopsis T. N. Ho & S. W. Liu
4.1 Taxonomic treatment
4.2 Pollen morphology
4.3 Systematic position
5 Veratrilla Baillon ex Franchet
5.1 Taxonomic treatment
5.2 Pollen morphology
5.3 Systematic position
6 Lomatogonium A. Braun
6.1 Taxonomic treatment
6.2 Embryology
6.3 Chromosome numbers
6.4 Pollen morphology
6.5 Uncertain species
6.6 The names excluded from Lomatogonium
7 Main references
8 Representative specimens
8.1 Representative specimens for Swertia Linnaeus
8.2 Representative specimens for Sinoswertia T. N. Ho, S. W. Liu & J. Q. Liu
8.3 Representative specimens for Lomatogoniopsis T. N. Ho & S. W. Liu fu hua
8.4 Representative specimens for Veratrilla Baillon ex Franchet
8.5 Representative specimens for Lomatogonium A. Braun
8.6 Index to collectors of cited specimens