Part I Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Rationale for the study
1.2 Aims of the study
1.3 Organization of the book
Part II Literature Review
Chapter 2 Word Combinations
2.1 Dimensions to word combinations
2.1.1 Form-meaning composites
2.1.2 Lexico-grammatical units
2.1.3 Form-function composites
2.1.4 Prefabs
2.2 SLA research on word combinations
2.2.1 Studies on learners' knowledge and use of idioms and collocations
2.2.2 Studies on learner-language prefabs
2.3 The need for the present study
2.3.1 Lack of research on Ll-related dimensions to word combinations
2.3.2 Motivations for a cognitive linguistic perspective
on analysis of L1-L2 differences in word combinations
2.3.3 Why VPCs
Chapter 3 Verb-Particle Combinations
3.1 VPCs--A theoretical review
3.2 Delineating verb-particle combinations
3.3 Previous SLA research on VPCs
3.4 The present study
Part III Theoretical Exploration--Chinese-English Differences
in Representation of Macro-events
Chapter 4 VPCs and Cross-linguistic Differences in Representation of Macro-events--A Cognitive Linguistic Perspective
4.1 The fundamentals of cognitive linguistics
4.1.1 Embodied mind
4.1.2 Conceptual metaphor
4.2 Influence of conceptualization on language and language use
4.2.1 Experience, conceptualization of the world and language
4.2.2 The influence of conceptualization on language use
4.2.3 Cross-linguistic differences as manifestation of conceptualization disparity
4.3 Conceptualization and word combinations
4.4 Conceptualization, cross-linguistic differences in representation of macro-events and VPCs
4.4.1 Macro-events
4.4.2 Salience difference in conceptualization,
lexicalization patterns of framing events and VPCs
4.4.3 Linguistic representation of image schemas underlying macro-events and particle polysemy
4.4.4 A framework for cross-linguistic comparison in representation of macro-events
Chapter 5 Chinese-English Differences in Representation of Macro-events
5.1 Overall typological patterns of English and Chinese
5.2 Chinese-English differences in lexicalization patterns of specific types of events
5.2.1 Motion
5.2.2 Temporal contouring
5.2.3 Change of state
5.2.4 Realization
5.3 Contrasting corresponding satellites in English and
Chinese: Differences in elaborations and mappings of image schemas
5.3.1 Rationale for selection of the 5 particles for the present study
5.3.2 Cognitive semantic analysis of 5 English particles in VPCs: Image schemas and senses
5.3.3 English particles and their Chinese counterparts
5.4 Summary
Part IV Empirical Exploration The Influence of Chinese-English
Differences in Representation of Macro-events on Chinese EFL Learners' Use of VPCs 1
Chapter 6 Research Design
6.1 Research questions
6.2 Research methodology
6.2.1 Methodologies taken by previous studies
6.2.2 Methodologies taken by the present study
6.3 Corpora employed in the present study
6.3.1 Learner Corpus
6.3.2 English corpora of native speakers
6.3.3 Comparability, limitation of the chosen corpora and the solution
6.4 Procedure
6.4.1 VPCs identification
6.4.2 Coding
6.4.3 Statistics
6.4.4 Error analysis
Chapter 7 Results and Analysis
7.1 Counts of VPCs
7.2 Chinese learners' use of VPCs and Chinese-English
congruence in conceptualization
7.2.1 Results of between-group comparisons for the use of VPCs as a whole
7.2.2 Results of between-group comparisons for the use of VPCs with each particle
7.3 Analysis of the statistical results
7.3.1 Influence of Chinese-English differences on learners' use of VPCs
7.3.2 Chinese learners' developmental features in the use of VPCs
7.4 Error analysis
7.4.1 VPC errors
7.4.2 Mother tongue influence and VPC errors
7.4.3 Erroneous uses of the particles as verbs
Part V Conclusion
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Implications
8.1 Summary of the findings
8.2 Implications
8.2.1 Pedagogical implications
8.2.2 Theoretical implications
8.2.3 Methodological implications
8.3 Limitations and directions for future research