Congenital Anomalies of the
Lower Extremity
Congenital and Developmental
Anomalies of the Hip and Pelvis
Congenital Anomalies of the Trunk
and Upper Extremity
Osteochondrosis or Epiphysitis and
Other Miscellaneous Affections
List of Techniques
Congenital Anomalies of the Lower Extremity
Amputation of an Extra Toe
Ray Reduction
Ray Amputation
Cleft Closure (Wood Peppers and Shook)
Correction of Angulated Toe
Arthroplasty of the Fifth Metatarsophalangeal Joint (Butler)
Creation of Syndactyly of the Great Toe and Second Toe for Hallux
Varus (Farmer)
Dome-Shaped Osteotomies of Metatarsal Bases (Berman and Gartland)
Cuneiform and Cuboid Osteotomies (McHale and Lenhart)
Transverse Circumferential (Cincinnati) Incision (Crawford Marxen and Osterfeld)
Extensile Posteromedial and Posterolateral Release (Modified McKay)
Achilles Tendon Lengthening and Posterior Capsulotomy
Osteotomy of the Calcaneus for Persistent Varus Deformity of the Heel (Dwyer Modified)
Medial Release with Osteotomy of the Distal Calcaneus (Lichtblau)
Selective Joint-Sparing Osteotomies for Residual Cavovarus
Deformity (Mubrak and Van Valin)
Triple Arthrodesis
Talectomy (Trumble et al.)
First Metatarsal Osteotomy and Tendon Transfer for Dorsal Bunion (Smith and Kuo)
Open Reduction and Realignment of Talonavicular and Subtalar
Joints (Kumar Cowell and Ramsey)
Open Reduction and Extraarticular Subtalar Fusion (Grice-Green)
Tibiofibular Synostosis (Langenski61d)
Insertion of Williams Intramedullary Rod and Bone Grafting (Anderson et al.)
One-Stage Release of Circumferential Constricting Band (Greene)
One-Stage Release of Circumferential Constricting Band (Peet)
Capsular Release and Quadriceps Lengthening for Correction of Congenital Knee Dislocation (Curtis and Fisher)
Lateral Release and Medial Plication (Beaty; Modified from Gao et al. and Langenski61d)
Distal Fibulotalar Arthrodesis
Proximal Tibiofibular Synostosis
Varus Supramalleolar Osteotomy of the Ankle (Wiltse)
Knee Fusion for Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency (King)
Rotationplasty (Van Nes)
Syme Amputation
Boyd Amputation
Percutaneous Epiphysiodesis (Mtaizeau et al.)
Physeal Exposure around the Knee (Abbott and Gill Modified)
Tension Plate Epiphysiodesis
Percutaneous Epiphysiodesis (Canale et al.)
Proximal Femoral Metaphyseal Shortening (Wagner)
Distal Femoral Metaphyseal Shortening (Wagner)
Proximal Tibial Metaphyseal Shortening (Wagner)
Tibial Diaphyseal Shortening (Broughton Olney and Menelaus)
Closed Femoral Diaphyseal Shortening (Winquist Hansen and Pearson)
Transiliac Lengthening (Millis and Hall)
Tibial Lengthening (DeBastiani et al.)
Tibial Lengthening (Ilizarov Modified)
Tibial Lengthening Over Intramedullary Nail (ISKD Orthofix McKinney TX) (Cole Paley and Dahl)
Femoral Lengthening (DeBastiani et al.)
Femoral Lengthening (Ilizarov Modified)
Femoral Lengthening Over Intramedullary Nail (ISKD) (Cole Paley and Dahl)
Congenital and Developmental Anomalies of the Hip and Pelvis
Arthrography of the Hip in DDH
Application of a Hip Spica Cast (Kumar)
Anterior Approach (Beaty; after Somerville)
Anteromedial Approach (Weinstein and Ponseti)
Trochanteric Advancement (Lloyd-Roberts and Swann)
Varus Derotational Osteotomy of the Femur in Hip Dysplasia with Pediatric Hip Screw Fixation
Primary Femoral Shortening
Innominate Osteotomy Including Open Reduction (Salter)
Pericapsular Osteotomy of the Ilium (Pemberton)
Triple Innominate Osteotomy (Steel)
Transiliac (Dega) Osteotomy
Slotted Acetabular Augmentation (Staheli)
Chiari Osteotomy (Chiari)
Valgus Osteotomy for Developmental Coxa Vara
Bilateral Anterior Iliac Osteotomies (Sponseller Gearhart and Jeffs)
Congenital Anomalies of the Trunk and Upper Extremity Woodward Operation for Congenital Elevation of the Scapula (Sprengel Deformity)
Morcellization of the Clavicle
Unipolar Release
Bipolar Release (Ferkel et al.)
Open Reduction and Iliac Bone Grafting for Congenital Pseudar-throsis of the Clavicle
Radial and Ulnar Osteotomies for Correction of Congenital Radioulnar Synostosis (Lin et al.)
Osteochondrosis Insertion of Bone Pegs Into the Tibial Tuberosity for Osgood-Schlatter Disease (Bosworth)
Excision of Ununited Tibial Tuberosity for Osgood-Schlatter Disease (Ferciot Thomson)
Arthroscopic Ossicle and Tibial Tuberosity Debridement for Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Extraarticular Drilling for Stable Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee (Donaldson and Wojtys)
Reconstruction of the Articular Surface with Osteochondral Plug
Grafts for Osteochondrosis of the Capitellum (Takahara et al.)
Innominate Osteotomy for Legg-Calv6 Perthes Disease (Canale et al.)
Lateral Shelf Procedure for Legg-Calv6 Perthes Disease (Willett et al.)
Varus Derotational Osteotomy of the Proximal Femur for Legg- Calv4 Perthes Disease (Stricker)
Lateral Opening Wedge Osteotomy for Legg-Calv6 Perthes Disease (Axer)
Arthrodiastasis for Legg-Calv6 Perthes Disease (Segev et al.)
Cheilectomy for Legg-Calv6 Perthes Disease (Sage and Clark)
Trochanteric Advancement for Trochanteric Overgrowth (Wagner)
Trochanteric Advancement for Trochanteric Overgrowth (MacNicol and Makris)
Greater Trochanteric Epiphysiodesis for Trochanteric Overgrowth
Synovectomy of the Knee in Hemophilia
Synoviorthesis for Treatment of Hemophilic Arthropathy
Open Ankle Synovectomy in Hemophilia (Greene)
Metaphyseal Osteotomy for Tibia Vara (Rab)
Chevron Osteotomy for Tibia Vara (Greene)
Epiphyseal and Metaphyseal Osteotomy for Tibia Vara (Ingram Canale Beaty)
Intraepiphyseal Osteotomy for Tibia Vara (Siffert Storen Johnson et al.)
Hemielevation of the Epiphysis Osteotomy with Leg Lengthening
Using an Ilizarov Frame for Tibia Vara (Jones et al. Hefney et al.)
Osteotomy and Medullary Nailing in Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Sofield and Millar)
Modified Sofield-Millar Operation in the Femur and Tibia in Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Li et al.)
Osteotomy and Medullary Nailing with a Telescoping Rod in the Femur for Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Bailey and Dubow)
Modified Rod with Interlocking Obturator for Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Cho et al.)
Tibial Lengthening Over an Intramedullary Nail with External Fixation in Dwarfism (Park et al.)
Bony Bridge Resection for Physeal Arrest (Langenskiold)
Bony Bridge Resection and Angulation Osteotomy for Physeal Arrest (Ingram)
Peripheral and Linear Physeal Bar Resection for Physeal Arrest (Birch et al.)
Central Physeal Bar Resection for Physeal Arrest (Peterson)