rebound verb intransitive /ˌriːˈbaʊnd/ ■to bounce back after hitting a hard surface 弹回;反弹;跳回 ■If one of your actions rebounds on you, it does not have the effect you hoped for but has an unpleasant effect on you instead 产生事与愿违的结果;适得其反•His continual demands for sympathy rebounded on him because his friends finally stopped listening.他没完没了地希望从别人那里得到同情,结果却适得其反,因为最终他的朋友们都不愿再听他诉苦。 noun countable or uncountable /ˈriː.baʊnd/ ■when something rebounds 弹回;反弹;跳回•I hit the ball on the rebound (= after it had hit the wall or ground once).球反弹回来时被我击中了。 noun countable or uncountable /ˈriː.baʊnd/ on the rebound informal ■unhappy and confused because a close, romantic relationship of yours has recently finished (因失恋而)处于心灰意懒的状态•Five months after Nick had left her, she married another man on the rebound.尼克离开她五个月后,她心灰意冷地嫁给了另外一个男人。 |