《Chinese Handicraft》 is Written by the Sunfaxin.
《Chinese Handicraft》 has described the traditional weave and draft craft with large picture and detail words in brilliance architecture. In the long civilization created course, our ancester have created splended traditional handicraft weave and draft techinology, silk tapestry (织锦), koSsu(缂丝), weaven car pet and printing draftetc which formed a seriousof classical, to be standards for, fixed forms and technology, shape of plentiful splendid. Indeed it has contained ancester's large number of culture information which full of emotion and debate; ittook plentiful culture contain of popular antiquities (民俗学),ecology (生态学) and anthro-pology (人类学); also have the valure of culture deceased and graceful technology model.
Then, as the development of huge mechanical industry, modem weave and printing craft take the acts of traditional handicraft weave and printing inpropaganda and means, and it reduced the growing of traditional weave and printing crafts and some have even disappeared.
The protection and deliveration of traditional crafi culture is the large important problem related to the nation of Zhonghua in herit and related tohuman beings charcoal garden. And it is also the critical problem in our substaintial culture deceased heredity protection. Traditional weave and printing craft is the important part of our country sustaintial culture deceased heredity. This book is to explore and analysis with it unique crafts and culture contains, and make it better culture radicalbase in modern progress society.