spade [speɪd] noun TOOL 工具 countable ■a tool used for digging especially soil or sand, with a long handle and a flat blade 铲,锹•a garden spade园艺铲 •The kids took their buckets and spades to the beach.孩子们带着他们的桶子和铲子到海边去了。 [speɪd] noun CARD 牌 countable ■a playing card with one or more black shapes like pointed leaves with short stems printed on it (纸牌中的)黑桃 spades [plural] ■one of the four suits in a set of playing cards 黑桃花色,一组黑桃•the ace/Queen of spades黑桃 A/皇后 [speɪd] noun PERSON 人 countable offensive old-fashioned ■a black person 黑人 [speɪd] noun in spades informal ■in large amounts or to a very great degree 很多;极其•I don't get colds very often but when I do I get them in spades.我平时很少感冒,可是一旦得了就很厉害。 |