Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Orientation
1.2 The Art of Rhetoric:The Objective of Research
1.3 Rational for the Study
1.4 Objectives and Methodology of the Research
1.5 Outline of the Thesis
Chapter Two The Studies on Toni Morrison' s Fiction:
A Literature Review
2. I Toni Morrlsen
2.2 Toni Morrison' s Fiction
2.3 Introduction to The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon and
2.4 Studies on Morrison' s Fiction
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three The Studies of Rhetoric
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Definitions of Rhetoric
3.3 Rhetoric of Fiction by Wayne Booth
3.4 Rhetoric in Its Broad Perspective
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Rhetorical Devices:Rheturic as a Way to
Construct the Utterance
4.1 Rhetorical Devices
4.2 Rhetorical Devices in The Bluest Eye
4.3 Rhetorical Devices in Song of Solomon
4.4 Rhetorical Devices in Beloved
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Rhetorical Poetics:Rhetoric as a Way to
Construct the Discourse
5.1 Rhetorical Poetics
5.2 Discourse
5.3 Rhetoric as a Way to Construct the Discourse .
5.4 The Unique Structure and Multi-narrators in The Bluest
5.5 Juxtaposition of Time and Space in
Song of Solomon
5.6 Ghost as a Kind of Rhetorical Poetics in Beloved
5.7 Summary
Chapter Six Philosophy of Rhetoric: Rhetoric as a Way to
Construct Human's Spirits and Existence
6. I Philosophy of Rhetoric
6.2 The Dilemma of the Black' s Existence
6.3 Twisted Love
6.4 Summary
Chapter Seven Rhetorical Archetypes
7.1 Rhetorical Archetype
7.2 The Abandoned Child
7.3 The Great Mother
7.4 The Wise Great Old Woman
7.5 Summary
Chapter Eight Conclusion
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Major Findings on the Art of Rhetoric of Morrison's
8.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further