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书名 | 服务业英语800句 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 郭兆康 |
出版社 | 高等教育出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书以实用、对口、易学、多练为编写原则,紧扣各有关行业的工作职责、工作流程及服务规范,旨在解决从业人员在涉外服务中至少应知道说什么和怎么说的问题。 本书可供有初中英语水平的中等职业学校学生、服务行业在职职工及再就业人员使用,作为学习职业英语的起点教材或自学、培训、行业等级考试的参考用书。 内容推荐 本书是服务业实用英语口语教材。全书分为8大部分:基础英语100句;文秘人员英语100句;出租车(公交车)司机英语100句;宾馆员工英语100句;营业员英语100句;餐馆服务员英语100句;美容康乐业从业者英语100句;物业管理员英语100句,每部分有10个单元,每单元含基本句10个及相关口笔头练习数项,浅显易学,针对性强。 本书可供有初中英语水平的中等职业学校学生使用,也可作为在职职工及再就业人员自学、培训、行业等级考试的参考用书。本书配有录音带。 目录 PART ONE ELEMENTARY ENGLISH 100基础英语100句 UNIT Ⅰ Greetings and Getting Acquainted(问候及结识) UNIT Ⅱ Telephone Manners(电话用语) UNIT Ⅲ Offering and Asking for Help(提供和请求帮助) UNIT Ⅳ Extending and Responding to Apology andGratitude(道歉及道谢) UNIT Ⅴ Wishes,Congratulations and Consolations(祝愿、祝贺及安慰) UNIT Ⅵ Invitations and Appointments(邀请与约会) UNIT Ⅶ Giving Advice and Suggestions(忠告与建议) UNIT Ⅷ Persuasion,Agreement and Disagreement(劝说、同意及不同意) UNIT Ⅸ Asking and Showing Directions(问路及指路) UNIT Ⅹ Bidding Goodbye(道别) PART TWO ENGLISH 100 FOR SECRETARIAL STAFF文秘人员英语100句 UNIT Ⅰ Receiving Visitors(接待访客) UNIT Ⅱ Taking Messages(记录口信) UNIT Ⅲ Making Appointments(安排约会) UNIT Ⅳ Dealing with the 0ffice Routine(处理日常事务) UNIT Ⅴ Job Interviews(求职面试) UNIT Ⅵ Using the Telephone(接打电话) UNIT Ⅶ Planning a Business Trip(it划商务旅行) UNIT Ⅷ Arranging Conferences(安排会议) UNIT Ⅸ Interpreting at Conferences(会议翻译) UNIT Ⅹ Making Suggestions(提出建议) PART THREE ENGLISH 100 FOR TAXI/BUS DRIVERS出租车(公交车)司机英语100句 UNIT Ⅰ Taking Taxi 0rders(接受订车) UNIT Ⅱ Get in,Please(扬招上车) UNIT Ⅲ Ready to Start(准备出发) UNIT Ⅳ On the Way(行车途中) UNIT Ⅴ Traffic Jam(交通堵塞) UNIT Ⅵ Introducing the Attractions(旅游介绍) UNIT Ⅶ Tackling Emergencies(处理意外) UNIT Ⅷ Charging the Fare(收取车费) UNIT Ⅸ Bidding Goodbye(到站送客) UNIT Ⅹ On the Bus(公交车上) PART FOUR ENGLISH 100 FOR HOTEL STAFF宾馆员工英语100句 UNIT Ⅰ Taking Room Reservations(接受订房) UNIT Ⅱ At the Reception Desk(在接待处) UNIT Ⅲ Bell Service(应接服务) UNIT Ⅳ The Business Center and the CentralSwitchboard(商务中心及总机服务) UNIT Ⅴ Foreign Currency Exchange(外币兑换) UNIT Ⅵ Housekeeping(Ⅰ)(客房服务(一)) UNIT Ⅶ Housekeeping(Ⅱ)(客房服务(二)) UNIT Ⅷ At the Hotel’s Restaurant,ShoppingArcade,and Gym(在宾馆的餐厅、商场及健身房) UNIT Ⅸ Settling Complaints(解决投诉) UNIT Ⅹ At the Cashier’S Desk(在收银处) PART FIVE ENGLISH 100 FOR SHOP ASSISTANTS营业员英语100句 UNIT Ⅰ General W0rk Procedures(工作规范) UNIT Ⅱ At the Foodstuff Counter(在食品部) UNIT Ⅲ At the Pharmacy Counter(在药材柜) UNIT Ⅳ At the Art and Craft Department(Ⅰ)(在工艺美术品部(一)) UNIT Ⅴ At the Art and Craft Department(Ⅱ)(在工艺美术品部(二)) UNIT Ⅵ At the Textile and the Knitting-W00lDepartment(在纺织品和毛线部) UNIT Ⅶ At the Garment Department(在服装部) UNIT Ⅷ At the Cultural and Recreational Department(在文化娱乐部) UNIT Ⅸ At the Cosmetics Department(在化妆品部) UNIT Ⅹ At the Bazaar(在小商品市场) PART SIX ENGLISH 100 FOR RESTAURANT WAITERS餐馆服务员英语100句 UNIT Ⅰ Seating the Diners(迎宾就坐) UNIT Ⅱ Taking Orders for Chinese Cuisine(听点中菜) UNIT Ⅲ Taking Orders for Western Cuisine(听点西餐) UNIT Ⅳ Serving the Dishes(宴席上菜) UNIT Ⅴ Celebrations(喜庆活动) UNIT Ⅵ Chinese Breakfast(中式早餐) UNIT Ⅶ Western Breakfast(西式早餐) UNIT Ⅷ Settling Complaints(处理投诉) UNIT Ⅸ At a Bar(酒吧服务) UNIT Ⅹ Accepting the Payment(接受付款) PART SEVEN ENGLISH 100 FOR BEAUTY PARLOR AND CLUB STAFF美容康乐业从业者英语100句 UNIT Ⅰ Deep Face-Cleansing(皮肤清洁) UNIT Ⅱ The Make-up(Ⅰ)(化妆(一)) UNIT Ⅲ The Make-up(Ⅱ)(化妆(二)) UNIT Ⅳ Hair Setting(理发) UNIT Ⅴ Hair Perm for Ladies(女士烫发) UNIT Ⅵ Hair Cutting for Men(男士理发) UNIT Ⅶ Our Recreational Club(康乐总汇) UNIT Ⅷ Sauna Bath and Swimming(桑拿浴与游泳) UNIT Ⅸ Bowling,Gongfu and Others(保龄球、功夫及其他) UNIT Ⅹ Singing and Dancing(音乐歌舞) PART EIGHT ENGLISH 100 FOR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CLERKS物业管理员英语100句 UNIT Ⅰ Lease(Ⅰ)(租赁(一)) UNIT Ⅱ Lease(Ⅱ)(租赁(二)) UNIT Ⅲ Recreational Facilities(娱乐设施) UNIT Ⅳ Premises Facilities(房屋设施) UNIT Ⅴ Move-in Procedures(入住手续) UNIT Ⅵ Premise Maintenance(物业维修) UNIT Ⅶ Service Center(服务中心) UNIT Ⅷ Convenient Store(方便店) UNIT Ⅸ Wishes,Congratulations and Consolations(祝愿、祝贺与安慰) UNIT Ⅹ Settling Complaints(处理投诉) |
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